Signes Item in Veteris | World Anvil
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Signes is the form of currency in Tenebris. It is simply a gold coin with the king's face on one side and the queen's face on the other. Signes is used with every trade that happens. There are different values of coins, but all coins have the king's face on one side and the queen's face on the other. There are five different values for the coins. There is the copper coin worth 1 signe, the silver coin worth 5 signes, and the gold coin is worth 10 signes. The is one coin that is a larger version of the silver coin that is worth 50 signes and one coin that is the larger version of the gold coin that is worth 100 signes. Most commoners do not have that many 100-signe coins, maybe about 2-3. Many of the wealthier members and government officials will have at least 10 or more 100-signe coins. For the most part, the economic strength with signes is stable. Unfortunately, the signe distribution is not as equal. There is a lot of trade though, so the flow of signes is strong. Unfortunately, the flow of the signes do not really flow in and out of the different class levels. Other species have also adopted the signes system as they have integrated into human civilization. Forging signes does happen, but it is not a worry simply because it takes so much time and effort to forge signes. Since the coins are made with specific materials, vendors know whether they are being duped immediately.


Monetary Value

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