The World-Dawn Myth in Verrin | World Anvil
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The World-Dawn

In the beginning, all that existed was the Firmament- the heavens, empty and silent. For uncountable millennia, infinite time, this state persisted. Until, holes began to appear in the sky’s surface- doors to another reality. Through these holes, poured knowledge, light, and strange Welkin-Thoughts. These would later be known as the stars.   The Thoughts of the Firmament coalesced into a single mind- called the Son of the Firmament. The first being to think and feel, the Son of the Firmament spent eons lost in thought. He discovered that he could move, manipulate and create, and using his newfound strength, he opened another hole in the Firmament’s starry surface. This one was much larger, and through it poured more light than had ever been seen. The light was bright and orange, altogether different from the cold white light of the stars.   It was volatile and powerful. The Son of the Firmament found that he could shape it to his will. Lonely amongst the infinite heavens, he made for himself a companion. She was called the Lady of the Sun, after the place of her birth. For an age, the pair wandered the cosmos, exploring the new intricacies of the Firmament that had arisen from the Thoughts of the stars and the sun. Together, they arranged the Stars into constellations, creating beautiful patterns and shepherding the Welkin-Thoughts to their will.   During a period known as The Ride, the pair created steeds of starlight and ventured atop them to the realms outside the Firmament. What they did there is unknown, but they returned more powerful than ever before.   The two fell in love, and from their pairing came five children. The children were aspects of their divine parents, great in power but young and impetuous. They were the Strong, the Wise, the Beautiful, the Powerful and the Dark. They were ordered not to alter the Firmament which had been so carefully arranged by the Son and the Lady, but they were defiant.   In boredom, the Strong began tampering with the Thoughts. Soon enough, he had created a world- complete with rivers, oceans and mountains. His siblings, jealous and in awe, began to add to his creation. With their powers combined, they created life- a secret that they had stolen from their father.   Each of them had different ideas of what life should be- they each made life in their own image, and created spirits and other beings to assist them with their manipulation of the Thoughts.   But they were, all of them, discovered. When he found out about the world that his children had created, the Son was outraged. As he reached to crush it in his fist, the Five combined their strength and cast him into the sun, where he remains trapped. Should the resolve of his children waver for even a moment, he will burst forth into thunderous life once more.   Shocked at the loss of her husband, the vengeful Lady of the Sun created many malign spirits to wreak havoc on the world of the Five, before she too was cast into the Sun from whence she came. As a final act of defiance, she stripped the Dark of his ability to create or manipulate the Thoughts, crippling him.   Occasionally squabbling with one another, the Five became the gods of their new world. The Dark, impaired and injured, had no domain in the mortal realm, and instead took to collecting the creations of the other gods when they departed the world. Thus, he became the god of death.   The others divided the key aspects of the world between themselves. They chose the things that they believed the mortals would need to thrive, namely, strength, wisdom, love and nature / the land itself.   Thereby, the Strong became the god of strength and leadership. The Wise became the god of magic and learning. The Beautiful became the goddess of love and beauty. The Powerful became the goddess of natural forces and life itself.   Unbeknownst to his children, the Son of the Firmament was still afoot. Though trapped bodily within the Sun along with his lover, his mastery of the Firmament would not be so easily defeated. He remains unable to act against his children directly, but achieves his aims by influencing the affairs of mortals. When his power waxes, he can even take an avatar upon the mortal plane. According to legend, Fiach An Galaith is one such individual.

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