The Forgotten God Character in Veron | World Anvil
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The Forgotten God

Since recorded history, there have been prophets and heroes that act in the name of a deity with no name, referred to only as 'a forgotten god' by his followers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

One prominent symbol of his faith is a four-pointed star surrounded by four dots. The star is usually made from non-precious metals and embedded into wood as a way to symbolize that a worshiper doesn't have to be rich or influential to worship him.   The few works of art that depict the deity itself usually show him as a giant bird of prey, shining yellow like the sun.

Tenets of Faith

There are two major laws that those who profess to worship the forgotten god may follow. The first is a strict set of limitations and duties that must be performed to the letter of the law. If any rule is broken, no matter how small, a member is excommunicated. The second set of rules is said to be a higher law, that, while not as strict as the first set in some ways, includes tempering your own emotional state as well as your physical actions. Most of the followers of this god follow the first set of rules, and it is said that only the most devout can follow the second law. Of course, only those who try to follow the second law can say whether or not they truly keep to it.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The actions of the Forgotten God's servants usually align with the preservation of life. Members of his priesthood have been known to halt quests and military campaigns in order to attend to the sick and injured of nearby towns and villages.

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