Kelm Settlement in Verdraxis | World Anvil
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The capital city of the Aurunem Kingdom.


human 70%, dwarf 10%, halfling 7%, elf 5%, gnome 5% orc 2%, other 1%


Kelm is a monarchy ruled by the descendants of King Alastar Aurunem, the city's founder.


Due to the geographical location of the city, mounting an assault by land is nearly impossible as there is only one road into or out of the city. As for the ocean, Kelm boasts of having one of the greatest Naval fleet on the face of Verdraxis.

Industry & Trade

Kelm's market place is vast. Goods from all across Verdraxis can be found here as merchants come from far and wide to sell there wears. Many local guilds regulate the cities commerce, helping to keep the market steady.


Kelm has the largest port on the world of Verdraxis. Ships from far and wide come to this city on a daily basis to trade their exotic goods.

Guilds and Factions

The city is home to many guilds that help to regulate trade on various goods. Some of the more prominent guilds include The Kingfishers, Forgefists, Bluethorn Court, and the Stormford Shipwrights.


Stone is a widely used material in Kelm's architecture. Cobble stone roads and stone brick buildings can be seen throughout the city. Grand archways vaulted ceilings, and domed roofs held up by decorative pillars and columns are a common site in the upper class section of the city. One such example is the Cathedral of St. Andronicus, dedicated to the Order of the Radiant Trinity


the city of Kelm is nestled in a valley between the Sovereign Highlands to the south and west and the Agir Abyss to the north, with the Gulf of Kelnerion directly to the east. A small land bridge extends form the city which divides the gulf from the ocean. The people of Kelm use this land bridge as a natural harbor to conduct their trade. It is in the far north west of the continent of Aetrus and as such is in a state of perpetual winter.

Natural Resources

The Sovereign Peaks provide miners with a steady supply of metal and stone, while fishermen ply their trade at sea.
Founding Date
1068 A.D
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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