Ambrelune, the goddess of nature Character in Verdraxis | World Anvil
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Ambrelune, the goddess of nature

The Earth Mother

Mother of nature and goddess of the moon. Ambrelune nurtured Verdraxis and helped it to grow. From her womb came forth all the wild creatures that now inhabit the world. She created the moon so that from its surface she could watch over the world as it sleeps.

Divine Domains

Moon, nature

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The moon is central in the symbolism of Ambrelune. While all phases of the moon have meaning, the phase most often seen used as a holy symbol is the crescent moon.

Tenets of Faith

Worshipers of Ambrelune are protectors of the natural world. She is protective of her plants and animals, and is quick to punish any who would abuse their gifts by hunting or harvesting more than necessary.


Harvest Festival New Moon Festival

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mother of all wild life.   convinced the elemental lords to encase the egg of Verdraxis with their elemental energies, creating the material plane.   defeated the Titans

Failures & Embarrassments

Created the Titans who would betray the gods

Personality Characteristics


Ambrelune cares only for her children, the wild creatures of Verdraxis. She is quick to punish those who would harm them needlessly.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Circumstances of Birth
Created by Plantagnox infusing its magic into the heart of the great beast Tarax
Her eyes resemble pools of glowing amber
Her hair is long and billowing falling below her ankles. It is the color of pure silver.

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