Anima Intellectus Species in Verdenheim | World Anvil
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Anima Intellectus

Basic Information


Anima Intellectus is a being of pure thought and energy. Once mortals of various races, they have given up their physical forms to exist on another plane of existence.

Genetics and Reproduction

Anima Intellectus does not reproduce in the typical manner of mortal beings. The only way a new Anima Intellectus is created is by mortals discovering the means to transform themselves

Additional Information

Social Structure

The society of The Others is complex and not fully understood by mortals.  The primary social conceit among The Others is that they do not engage with those on the Mortal planes. Anima Intellectus who engage with the "Lower planes" are prevented by The Others from changing things believing that as they do not exist on those planes, then they do not have the right to interfere with them.

Civilization and Culture

Common Etiquette Rules

Do not interfere with the lower planes of existence Do not impede the will of another sentient being Respect life in all its forms

Common Taboos


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