Strider Hare Species in Verden | World Anvil
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Strider Hare

A common grazer, a long rabbit.

A common grazer in many areas of Verden, Strider Hares are a broad grouping of highly evolced Lagomorphs

Basic Information


Easily recognized from their small ancestors. Strider Hares are tall and lithe offshoots of the hare. Their long, muscular legs end with many-toed feet, with big and thick fingernails that lie in the transitional point between nails and hooves. Their hind legs remain exceptionally muscular, as both a source of locomotion by hopping and fat reserves. They are endowed with long necks to reach foliage and retain their ancestral long ears to detect predators.    The species does not present radical sexual dimorphism, with males in general being larger and longer furred than the females. The most interesting trait is the exposed, sharpened incisors found only on adult males. They use them for both cutting foilage and defense against predators and rival males.

Genetics and Reproduction

In the herds, the largest male has exclusive access to the females. As their niche changed with their growth, female reception to mating has become seasonal, though more frequent and longer lasting when compared to other grazers. Gestation takes 7 months and the newborn will become independent after 2 months of careful supervision by the mother. The father usually does not involve himself with the direct nurturing but will defend the whole herd in case of attack.

Ecology and Habitats

Stider Hares are comfortable in both deep forest and open plain, with specific breeds being characteristic of either area. Forest dwellers are stockier and present camouflage to blend with the environment while plains-dwellers are lankier and more agile

Dietary Needs and Habits

Obligate hervibores, they consume mostly leaves and soft stems of budding plants. Occasionally they will scrape bark off of trees but this behavior is rarely observed


Strider hares are herd animals, usually a dozen females, their foals, a dominant male and a few younger, less aggresive males. These herds move constantly as to not deplete the plantlife in a given area.

Additional Information


Domesticated Stider Hares can be distinguished by the purpose of their domestication. Some are significantly bulkier to ensure a better yield of meat, others are endowed with long fur in order to trim it (similar to sheeps) and a few breeds have perpetually lactating females for year-long dairy production

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Most cultures that domesticate Strider Hares use them for meat, leather, fur and milk. Their bones also see use as ingredients in soup stock.
Conservation Status
Strider Hares are common throughout most of the world, being both adaptable and also domesticated by most agrarian soceites. Some specific breeds are more rare (such as the Silver Long fur) but the species as a whole is thriving
Geographic Distribution

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