Blackflame Company Organization in Vechna | World Anvil
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Blackflame Company

The Blackflame Company is a famous mercenary group in Gränsland, despite its relative youth compared to other well-established mercenary outfits. The company, approximately 150 strong in total, is mainly composed of the armed retainers who accompanied their leader Kuno Tsermak into exile. Their focus on heavy cavalry charges and their leader's pyromancy have earned them great fame in the south, where the company fought Solarian warriors-of-faith.   The company is led by Kuno Tsermak. Its symbol is a screaming skull wreathed in black flames over a crimson background - evoking House Tsermak's heraldry.


The Blackflame Company was first mentioned in passing by Makar as a well-known mercenary company operating in the Turov Principality.   The company would later attack Sigalov bridge in Tsermak territory, incinerating a dozen soldiers and taking Stanislav Sigalov's daughter Tashka prisoner. The mercenaries left behind a shield with the company's insignia as a message to Svetlana Tsermak - warning that her exiled brother has returned.   Antares, Evia, Jaakob, and Vulcan would later be attacked by several horsemen working for the Blackflame Company on their way back to Saravgrad. The horsemen took heavy casualties, and were forced to retreat.
Military, Mercenary Group

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