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Vast is a massive and diverse fantasy world with many nations, factions, and cultures. It is a place where only the strongest and most powerful can thrive, and where conflict and competition are an ever-present part of life.   The world of Vast is divided into many different realms, each with it's own unique continents, monsters and people. But each can be categorised into one of these three groups; The Dragon realms, The God realms and The Free realms.   Many nations and factions exist in Vast, each with their own goals and ambitions. Some seek to conquer and dominate, while others strive for peace and prosperity.   Vast is a world of immense scope and complexity, full of diverse cultures, peoples, and landscapes. It is a place where strength and cunning are prized above all else, and where only the most powerful can hope to survive.   NOTE: Keep in mind that most of the information hasn't been written yet since this is fairly new. And also if you are reading my novel, I suggest that you keep out of "the characters" folder since their will be major spoilers there.

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