Ashfield Settlement in Vaskeer | World Anvil
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A small town bordering the Ember Dominance that fell into a terrible recession when the now extinct House Drakis caused its downfall.   The town of Ashfield fell into terrible times during the rule of House Drakis. The Drakis House faced extinction a little over 10 years ago after the Inferno of Souls battle that left but one survivor, Sir Hasting of the Inferno. The battlefield was very close to the town of Ashfield, and all of Drakis’ bannermen fought and died there. After the Inferno, Drakis held only the Lady of Ashfield, Khelsie Drakis, and their two children, one a young man who fled the battle before it even began, Sir Gorlanor Drakis, and the other a child girl named Merion Drakis. Ashfield’s population took a massive hit as all the fighting men died, Ashfield suddenly had no food or gold to speak of. They got by with lots of trading with the Ember Dominance in the past, but that was cut off with the rebellion, and all the support sent by the Spear went into Gorlanor’s pocket when he became a depressed gambler, wasting away all the town’s gold and running it into the ground. He sold the land out to other Houses in exchange for ludicrously small amounts of gold that he could continue gambling with. He became known as the Dice Drakis for his love of gambling with dice, intent on restoring his House to its former glory before the Inferno, but ended up losing everything else it had. Traders stopped going to Ashfield, and the commonfolk suffered, the majority of the town falling into a deep depression and poverty. Eventually, the lowborn revolted against the bad leadership, and attacked the Drakis household. They pulled out Lady Khelsie Drakis and murdered her, spreading her body through the streets. Gorlanor and Merion got out, but Gorlanor sold Merion to a whorehouse to pay for safe passage out of Ashfield. Merion was brutally raped to death in the whorehouse by people still angry at Drakis. Gorlanor got to Hero’s Rest and lived off old favors until he was mysteriously murdered.
Ruled by the Strickland House.

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