Rushlight Society Organization in Varisian Triumvirate Insurrection | World Anvil
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Rushlight Society

The Rushlight Society is a bandit organization operating on Varisia's Lost Coast. Rumors are that the Society organizes the majority of criminal activity along the Lost Coast Road, the Yondabakari River and other roads in the hinterlands of Magnimar, though they inexplicably ignore trade by sea.   Homebrew: They are currently working towards outfitting an army of goblins, giants and various evil humanoids for a large-scale violent takeover of the smaller towns of the Lost Coast. They have sieged Sandpoint already and failed, but plan to increase their numbers to attempt again in the coming months. Once they control the town, they plan to move west to Magnimar and east to Nybor (external link).   Pathfinder Wiki page

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