Koblin's Bizarre Bazaar Organization in Varisian Triumvirate Insurrection | World Anvil
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Koblin's Bizarre Bazaar

Within the overgrown corn stand three wooden caravans in a tight circle.The once bright and gaudy paint that covers them is now faded and cracked. One of the wagons has two missing wheels; its axle held level up by a pile of stones beneath it. The doors at the end of each caravan are boarded up.   There are a number of pit traps surrounding the caravans (marked on Map 1 with a diamond symbol). These have been dug by Craddoc Farrow and his sons, firstly to stop anyone taking these wagons and secondly, to catch anyone who might be snooping around. The pits are covered with dried foliage and dirt. The insides of the pits are wider at the bottom. Anyone falling into these pits will have a difficult time climbing out without help (DC25). The pits are checked regularly by Craddoc and his sons, turning anyone caught over to Keddard in the Watch House (Part 1, Location 2) and ultimately the cult’s tender mercies. A DC15 Perception check reveals a number of weapon cuts upon the wood, as well as a smattering of dried blood. Laying flat in the undergrowth, covered with dust and dirt is wooden sandwichboard advertising: Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar. The Bizarre Bazaar met an untimely end in Relford. Attacked by the cult of Dagon, the people of the traveling circus were taken into the mines and transformed into dagonspawn zombies. The wagons were taken and put into Craddoc Farrow’s corn field and their sudden disappearance was chalked up to the fey and sometimes nefarious nature of circus people Only one person managed to escape this terrible fate: Koch Koblin. An iron cage has been stolen from the wreckage, as well as supplies.   The circus arrived in Relford 8 months after the earthquake, boasting all manner of creatures to astound and amaze. However, there is something about them; a hard edge and a fey quality, as if they do not belong on this earth. The circus owner, a bizarre clean-shaven dwarf with a square jaw, a ragged top hat and a faded brocade coat, paraded a cadre of his sideshow attractions around town with much pomp and fanfare.   The sttractions include ‘Iorgos the Bear’, a man who contains limitless strength and bestial power. Also, Aquanara the Fish Queen. She appears to be an elf, but her skin is green. She has a beautiful voice.   aproximately 1 month after they arrived, the caravan was attacked by cultists in the night and the circus folk taken into the mines.

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