Devene Town Hall Building / Landmark in Varisian Triumvirate Insurrection | World Anvil
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Devene Town Hall

The path to this large building is well-worn; ending at a set of large, double doors. The doors are now closed and the high windows set into the top of the building’s wall are shuttered from the inside. A wide chimney stands proudly at one end of the building, the hearth inside must be large. This is obviously Relford’s Main Hall.
An iron key beneath a boulder fits the lock set into the door. It was left here by Galwinn, the acting mayor and owner of the Miner’s Rest (Part 1, Location 14). He keeps another on his person. Inside the hall are a number of dusty wooden benches stacked along the wall opposite the doors. At the north end of the hall is the podium and a number of individual chairs. The south wall contains an empty fireplace that was cleaned after the last time it was used

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