Devene Chapel Building / Landmark in Varisian Triumvirate Insurrection | World Anvil
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Devene Chapel

The road leads up a man-made hill towards a sturdy wooden gate, set into a stone wall about chest-high. Beyond is a large house of worship. Although utilitarian in design, this temple is imposing and is arguably the largest structure in Devene. A large oak that barely clutches onto life spreads its boughs to the east over a graveyard. A small crypt, constructed using the same stone as the temple sits in the northeast corner. The hard packed road leads to the double doors of the temple’s vestibule.
By day, the gates and the temple’s double doors stand open. Devene has housed a number of people from a wide variety of nationalities and creeds. In the spirit of harmony, it has been prudent for the village to erect a temple that practices a multi-denominational worship. This temple was built soon after the village was founded, funded by the church of Sarenrae. Eight shrines dedicated to a number of various deities line the outer walls of the main chamber. A further three shrines dedicated to Sarenrae, Abadar and Erastil are located in the northern chambers of the temple. Before he died, the senior priest, Father Arden believed that this temple should be a sanctuary for quiet meditation rather than sermonizing.   Now, the temple is a mockery of itself; Kelnor murdered Father Arden and deliberately destroyed the shrine to Sarenrae, disguising both incidents as a brigand raid. Kelnor has used this event to propel himself into a position of authority in Devene. By night, Kelnor gathers the cult of Dagon in Sarenrae's ruined shrine. From there, they proceed into the mine to worship in the Temple of Dagon.


Minor Worship
Desna: Dreams, stars, travelers, luck
Cayden Cailean: Freedom, ale, wine, bravery
Gozreh: Nature, weather, the sea
Irori: History, knowledge, self-perfection
Torag: Forge, protection, strategy
Iomedae: Valor, rulership, justice, honor
Feronia: Fertility, sacred fires, wildlife
Hanspur: Rivers, river travel, smugglers

Major Worship
Abadar: Cities, wealth, merchants, law
Sarenrae (Desecrated): Sun, Redemption, Honesty, Healing
Erastil: Farming, Hunting, Trade, Family

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