Devene Abandoned Mine Building / Landmark in Varisian Triumvirate Insurrection | World Anvil
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Devene Abandoned Mine

Intro Amongst the folds of the rock face is a thin, timber-flanked passage about 3ft wide that angles down into a smokey darkness, lit only by a spot of torchlight far in the depths.
  Current Events Lugas discovered the mine after he moved here (acting on information ‘extracted’ from a dwarf by Rushlight agents). It did not take him long to find the secured ore and was delighted to discover that their forge was still serviceable. He hired some oxen from Garik Karel and set up a secret workshop to work the mithral and adamantine, forging a number of beautiful weapons. Lugas hid most of the weapons here, but was killed by Barad soon after he showed his fellow blacksmith the quality of his work.   Current play Anyone making a DC 15 Survival check reveals several animal tracks crisscross the area, with one set of cat-like tracks leading to and from the cave entrance. If the PCs have encountered the black leopard, allude to the players that perhaps this is where the hunting cat made its home. In actual fact, a ferocious and intelligent feline creature (a Tangtal) has come down from the mountains and now uses the cave as its lair.  
Mineshaft   The roughly worked stone tunnel travels straight and true into the mountain at a consistent shallow angle downwards, going for about 30ft / 10m before ending with lit by a single bracketed torch on a support pillar. Every few feet is a support archway of strong, thick timber.   The whole ordeal makes you feel very claustrophobic, as the roof lowers to make the taller of your group hunch over. The intersection here leads left and right, or east and west, and both directions corner sharply again further along their respective ways - east corners at 10ft towards south, west corners at 20ft towards north.   Dwarven Forge Turning the corner, a warm glow eminates from the room ahead of you. Here the stone walls are worked with a sharpness that was not seen elsewhere, with the wooden supports sunk into the walls and the floor marked with a chiseled tile every few feet. In the room ahead, a large stone forge sits atop a stepped dais, glowing with unearthly light and heat.   Black shadows dance amid the orange glow permeating the chamber, of which the stonework and timbers mirrors that of the entry hallway. The forge coals are white hot, despite the room having a thick coating of dust where pawprints and other movements of animals have disturbed it.   In one corner is a work area including two anvils of differing sizes and floor-mounted racks for tools to be hung from, though they are empty. Bones and animal detritus lie scattered behind the anvil area, giving the earthy room an old meaty scent. There is nothing here worth taking.   Antechamber   Two statues flank the doorway; depicting dwarf warriors holding their poleaxes to attention. On the northern wall, the imprint of a hand is set into the stone.   Large Fire Elemental A coiling serpentine form made of smoke and fire; featured by darker bits of flame and patches of ash and cinders. It takes up a large majority of the room, circling around the forge as if like a creature of an age lost to time. At a rough estimate it would seem to be over 12ft long.
History About fifty years ago, a number of dwarf craftsmen came here to plumb the earth for precious riches, namely mithral and a small amount of adamantine. The mine’s relatively inaccessible location and the threat of harpy attacks meant that the operation was largely unknown and the dwarves who worked the rock liked it that way. The dwarf nations decided to close the mine almost a year later; the mithral and adamantine ore had been dug out and was secured in a small vault on the site, ready to use when they needed it most. A number of these caches exist across the world.

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