Cauchemar Tavern Building / Landmark in Varisian Triumvirate Insurrection | World Anvil
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Cauchemar Tavern

This squat building is made of thick, bluestone blocks. A row of dark, wooden benches run alongside the front wall of this establishment and a number of mismatched tables have been placed haphazardly in front of the benches. A faded wooden sign depicting a rearing black stallion with fiery hooves hangs upon rusty rings above the doorway; the door wedged open revealing a smoky gloom within.
When Relford was first settled, rumor has it that a hellish warrior used to terrorize this area. Known as the Knight of the Black Skull, he rode upon a black stallion with eyes and hooves of glowing coal, summoned from the lower planes. The tavern is supposedly erected on the spot where the knight and his horse met their doom: An entrepreneur erected a tent on the site, which soon became a drinking establishment. Soon after, the bluestone tavern was erected; dubbed the ‘Cauchemar’; named after the fell horse that the knight rode. In actual fact, the name was borrowed by the entrepreneur; having stayed at a place in Rel-Draxa with a similar name. The Tavern has seen busier times. The taproom was once filled with rowdy and sometimes bawdy conversation, now those ribald stories have been replaced with sullen locals who seek to quietly drown their sorrows. Below, in a number of cellars is Jek’s brewery and distillery. Jek keeps an iron safe in the office adjoining his bedroom, on the establishment’s second floor (Disable Device DC30; Hardness 10; 60 hp; Break DC28). It contains the following: 702gp, A yellow topaz worth 600gp and an aquamarine worth 800gp a potion of levitate, and a wand of magic missile (CL 5th; 21 charges). Except for the money, these items have been stolen from people his road agents have waylaid.
CAUCHEMAR TAVERN PRICE LIST Breakfast 2sp Soup, bowl 5cp Miner’s Pasties 5cp for two Dinner 3sp Coffee 2cp Beer, pint 5cp Porter ale, pint 5cp Corn whiskey, gill 7cp Rye whiskey, gill 15cp Meals represent the most value for money: Breakfast generally consists of boiled oats sweetened with sugar, salted corn fritters, eggs, toasted bread and coffee. Dinner is similar; cured pork or salted beef, corn fritters, carrots, spinach, potatoes and a pint of beer or porter ale. The soup is usually a watery lamb and vegetablemix. Miner’s Pasties are a specialty; they are crusty pastries with a spicy meat and vegetable filling one end, and filling the other is a stewed fruit. Lately, the Cauchemar has only been able to obtain chayote fruit for filling. The pasties are prized by miners as an easily–handled food to carry into the mine. The spirits, beers and ales that Jek produces are of varying quality, being a result of rough produce, not poor craftsmanship. A GM can have a bit of fun with this encounter, especially if any PCs react to the Corn Whiskey (either by the name or by the taste). If anyone quotes ‘moonshine’, Jek justifiably rebukes them and is likely to throw them out. Otherwise, Jek is happy to engage in conversation about any given topic (as per the rumor table), but gives a lot of non-committal answers.

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