Cassiopeia Vanessa Dolus Character in Væringr | World Anvil
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Cassiopeia Vanessa Dolus

Cassiopeia Vanessa Dolus (a.k.a. Murder tiefling)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Boldly muscular, rectangular body type, and heavily scarred. Cassiopeia has a slightly androgynous appearance on account of her long, distinct nose, narrow eyes, pointed chin, and small chest.

Body Features

There is very little of her body not scarred. Her upper back has massive bite and tear scars from enormous wolves corrupted by Angor’s presence. Deep gashes mar the right side of her hip, her previous servals once attacked her. Five marks tracing from hip to chest from impaling herself on the antler of an elk skull. And countless nicks and scratches from head to tail. In addition to scars, Cassiopeia has many dark, widely spaced freckles throughout her body.
When actively summoning or working with her demons red and black tiger stripes appear on her skin. To her, she does not see stripes, but rather demonic instruction on how to summon demons.

Facial Features

Cassiopeia has black eyes, but due to demonic corruption they’ve both taken on a red rim near the bottom of her iris. She has a scar on the left side of her lip. Two lashes marring her left cheekbone are a permanent reminder of when Angor ripped her face open.

Identifying Characteristics

Cassiopeia has many identifiers, some notable ones being her four horns, a large scar from a spear wound across her left collarbone, and spade-less tail.

Physical quirks

Cassiopeia was born with a few abnormalities. Her tail is long as she is tall in addition to being without a spade on the end. Her sclera have been a dark purple grey since birth. Unlike most every other royal, her horns grow in complete opposite directions; one pair growing straight up, the other curling like a ram’s. Her tongue is lightly forked as well.

Special abilities

She excels in hand to hand combat, and no stranger to weaponry.
Unlike Angor, Cassiopeia can only access her primordial form roughly once every century. It is an extreme defense mechanism.
Her primordial form mimics her predecessor’s, yet distinctly her own. She takes the shape of a gargantuan lioness skeleton with charcoal black bones. Parts of her skeleton, particularly her hips, horns, a number of ribs, and claws are made entirely of pink crystal. Her eyes are nothing more than pinpricks of white filling the shadowed eye sockets of her skull. She hits 52ft at her shoulder in this form. It is unknown if this is her max height or if she will grow in time, as Angor was 80ft itself. She doesn’t breathe, is unnaturally strong even for her size, and unable to enter or exit this shape at will.
Using marks left on her from the battle with Angor, Cassiopeia can summon demons. These demons vary from animalistic, mute body count types to humanoids with personality’s and powerful abilities. She can summon them with specific hand gestures using her blood and command them once summoned, but she doesn’t know how to dismiss them afterwards. They typically disappear after completing the task given to them, but some stay longer for various reasons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being raised in Dolus, as royalty and in an abusive home to boot, Cassiopeia has her fair share of difficulties.
From unrelenting physical training in hand to hand combat in addition to weapons, explosives, and of course the warlike attitude of everyone around her, she is more than capable of defending herself. She had the honor of training beneath both the Queen (her mother) and the Field Marshal (her aunt).
During her teenage years Cassiopeia started drinking, much like her father. It wasn’t uncommon for her to show up to court drunk and delirious. Unable to hold her own tongue. Earning her the nickname “The Firetongue Princess.”

Gender Identity

Cassiopeia is mostly feminine, but has no problem with appearing more on the masculine end of the scale. She is confident in her muscular appearance, abnormal strength, and love for shiny adornments.


Bisexual, polyamorous, and leans towards women.


In academics she didn’t fare as well; her short attention span wasn’t made for the classroom. This often led to beatings from her mother when her grades dropped. Mathematics and reading are not things she enjoys, though she is quite adept in both. Cassiopeia was also given endless dance and violin lessons. Here she did better, but not as well as her combat training. The physical aspect of dance kept her interest up.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Though she may be the person she is, Cassiopeia has had her moments in the sun.
She first bested the Field Marshal in a one on one fight at 15. She was an incredible help to the improvement of Dolus’s trademark explosives. She is also the first queen to harness the hellish power of demons and use it as technology in her kingdom.

Mental Trauma

At nine years old a bullying attempt from an older boy led to her first murder. She pushed him into the massive brazier behind him to defend both herself and her serval kittens, one which the boy had thrown savagely. Her mother had followed her initially, worried the boy might hurt her. Upon witnessing her daughter’s actions, Vanessa decided to go along with the terrible lie Cassiopeia told her. (Cassiopeia is unaware her mother was there.)
A few years passed and Vanessa started using Cassiopeia’s brother and sister against her. Indirectly threatening their pain if Cassiopeia didn’t cooperate. Infuriated but protective of her siblings, Cassiopeia played along. This led to her general temperament souring; her brother and sister, Cepheus and Andromeda respectively, were soon made uncomfortable to be in the same room as their older sister.
(TW: Self Harm)
By fifteen, her relationship with the world was terrible. On more than one occasion Vanessa barged into her room only to find her curled into a corner. Having hurt herself. Not once did Vanessa offer sympathy or kindness. Leading to Cassiopeia developing a downright murderous and fearful temper towards her.
At fifteen and a half, Cassiopeia committed her second of many murders. This time a high ranking and well known lord. Knowing her mother was in the works of paramount trade deal with him, she went out of her way to lead him away from a party to kill him. Halfway through, she lost the gall to finish it. Intending to simply walk away from his beaten and bloody body until her mother blocked her. Vanessa gave her two options: finish it, or have her servals blamed and put down for it. Cassiopeia went back and finished it. Unwilling to lose the only creatures who showed her any sort of affection.

For the next two years, her mother’s treatment of her went from awful to psychological torture. From locking her up in solitary like conditions to using her to get rid of unpleasant court members to alienating her from her siblings to fostering her growing pyromania.
At seventeen, Cassiopeia snapped. In what was supposed to be an ancient passing of the family demon Cassiopeia lit a fire that is still talked about with sorrow and low voices to this day. Her mother, father, brother and sister all died at her hands directly.
Unbeknownst to her, with the death of her mother the family demon did indeed pass onto her. Granting her immense super strength like abilities. That demon was Angor, a primordial of pain and wrath. The circumstances in which she trapped the demon to herself made her the perfect cage for his power.
Following the fire, she managed to dodge guards and civilians alike and escaped in the crowd. Killing anyone who took a second glance at her. No one was able to prove it was her, though many suspect. A year later she was finally caught and arrested just outside of Dolus in a Gelu jail.
Within a day of being in the jail she started a riot. Killing and burning the body of another tiefling in the jail. The guards assumed it was her corpse and thus any further searches for the wayward princess ended.
During the riot she met a half elf named Crow Moonclaw. The pair became quick friends. Over time and learning a bit about one another (completely avoiding the topic of her history) the pair made the mutual decision to be there for each other. Turning an easy friendship into a found, chosen family.
She doesn’t like being touched without warning, yet gleefully initiates playful shoving and poking. She refuses to even let herself think about her history. Cassiopeia does have a murderous tendency, as well as pyromania and no shy amount of aggression. She has difficulty understanding social cues and expectations; often relying on Crow for checks on her behavior.
The defining point of her in this regard, is that she’d rather implode on herself than speak a word of her abuse to anyone. Even trusted friends.

Morality & Philosophy

Her philosophy isn’t set in stone; she’s just along for the ride. Excited for where the road may take her.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Fire, roughhousing, cheese, rock candy, games.
Dislikes: Being cut off in conversation, mild foods, manipulation.


Cassiopeia is not the cleanest person by far. Everything is something new to try; climbing tall trees, playing in the mud, running headfirst into fights. She hardly bothers to clean up afterwards, save for washing wounds and bandaging up.
Upon returning to Dolus however, she takes on an intense hygiene routine. Never having enough showers. This does show itself loudly in her newly treated hair, finally showing its natural thickness and poof.


Family Ties

Cassiopeia is the most recent in a long line of established—and feared—queens. This line has been ruling Dolus for over five thousand years. There’s extremely harsh and unyielding traditions regarding who can and cannot rule, as well as procreate.
Vanessa was her mother and queen before her. Cassiopeia’s sister, brother, mother and father are all deceased. Her only living relative is her Aunt Kira, who is also the current Field Marshal.


Thrashing her tail, shaking her head

Hobbies & Pets

Cassiopeia has three pets: two three week old serval kittens, both sisters from the same litter. Their names are Charlie and Jubilee. In addition to Sadie, an animalistic demon without a humanoid form. She can speak and take the shape of any animal, living or dead.


Cassiopeia has a heavy Dolus (Russian) accent, and overcompensates to hide it. Her voice is abnormally high pitched.

Wealth & Financial state

Cassiopeia is the sole inheritor of the Dolus crown, along with all the gold and lands that come with it.

A tiefling thrown into the blaze of a million sins.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Firetongue Princess The Devil Queen The Primordial Demon of Wrath and Pain
22 years old
Date of Birth
February 20, 8265
Sun Point, Dolus
Current Residence
Sun Point, Dolus
Black, red sectoral heterochromia in both eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Peach pink
5 ft, 10 in
Known Languages
Common, Devil Script, and semi fluent Elvish.

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