Leechin Species in Varaliearth | World Anvil
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Leechin (lee-chih-nn)

Leechin are leech humanoids. They survive by feasting on other sapient species' blood, but they don't hurt them in the process, with the exception of small bite wounds. Their trademark favorite food is lychees, as they provide them temporary sustenance to tide them over until their next meal. This is where the fruit's name comes from, and leechin tend to only live near where lychees grow. Leechin are the source of vampire tales, as the frightened people they harvested blood from ran away to tell the tale. They are all intersex, and can reproduce with themselves if they don't find a suitable mate. They have deathly pale skin and very small eyes, and they can have anywhere from 1 to 4. The eyes are hard to find even if you know where to look, meaning that they appear to have none. Their eyesight and hearing are somewhat poor, but their sense of taste is very strong.

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