Harpy Species in Varaliearth | World Anvil
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Harpy (hahr-pee)

Harpies are some of the most common non-human sapient species in the Varalia multiverse, and there a many different kinds. They all are humans with some bird aspects, somewhat of a hybrid. Most can shoot their feathers to attack or fly.
  Cobalt Harpies: Cobalt Harpies are by far the most common type of harpies. Their wings are a blue color, ranging from navy blue to sky blue, and their hair usually matches their wings. They are average fliers and incredible feather shooters. They are the most adaptable variety of harpies, and can live almost anywhere.
  Phoenix Harpies: Phoenix Harpies are one of the rarest varieties of harpies. They have yellow wings, and high body temperatures. They tend to have fiery orange or red hair. They have the ability to make and control fire, and they use this to cook. They live in very hot places.
  Vulture Harpies: Vulture Harpies are a semi-common variety of harpies. They have black wings, and their hair is usually black as well. They are skinny and tall by nature, and most of them are vegetarians, unlike their bird namesake. They live at high altitudes, and going to very low altitudes puts them on edge.
  Floof Harpies: Floof Harpies are an unusual variety of harpies that has fur - referred to as floof - as well as feathers on their body. They usually have blue wings, and their floof is usually red. Their hair is usually matching one of the two, although some have a combination. They are bulkier, and can withstand colder temperatures because of their floof. Their feathers can sometimes explode on impact when shot.
  Raven Harpies: One of the more uncommon types of harpies is the Raven Harpies, who live in places that are mostly devoid of life. Their wings are uniquely separate from their arms, which means they can fly better but shooting feathers is a challenge. Their feathers are a deep black that veers into deep purple. Some believe they're a bad omen, but others believe seeing one means good luck.
  Neon Harpies: By far the rarest type, Neon Harpies live deep in caves where even spiderfolk and leatherwings don't go. Their wings glow with a neon color, the most common being green and the rarest being purple. They have an incredible memory for sound, and a highly advanced voice box lets them recreate any sound they've heard with incredible accuracy.

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