Gapemaw Species in Varaliearth | World Anvil
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Gapemaw (gay-p-mahh)

Gapemaws are worm-like humanoids. They have a long, purple, scaly worm body that ends in a human torso from the shoulders up. They also have long purple arms with steel-colored claws, but they are usually nestled in a ridge on either side of their bodies, causing the scales to slide together and hide them. They are physically incapable of making any sound except for roaring (this means any sound that could be cause by them, such as the sounds they would make upon touching things.) However, they can telepathically communicate with those who aren't scared of them, as the fear disrupts the communication. However, because they're frightening, almost all creatures think them to be animals. They have a highly poisonous stinger at the end of their tail.

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