Dragon Knights Military Formation in Var'Verden | World Anvil
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Dragon Knights

In the nation of Asthar, the Order of Die Zehn stands as a revered religious order, composed of holy warriors known as Dragon Knights. These knights have dedicated their lives to the worship of the Dragon Gods, a pantheon of ten powerful deities who hold sway over various aspects of life and the natural world. Through their unwavering faith, the Dragon Knights embody the teachings and tenets of their chosen Dragon God, undergoing a transformation that reflects the qualities and essence of their divine patron. Comparable to paladins in their devotion and combat prowess, Dragon Knights are individuals who have completed rigorous studies and training in both martial skills and the ways of their faith. As they progress along their path, their bodies gradually take on more Dragon-like traits, a physical manifestation of their connection to the divine. This transformation is unique to each Knight, mirroring the characteristics of the Dragon God or Goddess they have aligned themselves with.   The primary purpose of the Dragon Knights is to uphold the tenets of their faith and maintain religious order when necessary. As champions of their chosen Dragon God, they draw upon their deep-rooted faith to access unique powers and abilities, granted to them by their divine patrons. These powers aid them in their quest to enforce justice, protect the weak, and vanquish the forces of darkness that threaten the nation of Asthar.   The relationship between a Dragon Knight and their chosen deity is deeply personal, reflecting their individual path in life. Each Knight embarks on their journey by following a particular career path, such as a town guard, where they can put their martial skills to use. As they delve into the teachings of their faith, they naturally gravitate towards a Dragon God whose tenets align with their chosen profession. For instance, a soldier may find solace in the teachings of Autorität, the chief Dragon God associated with honor, might, justice, and law. On the other hand, an artist may be drawn to the path of Majestät, the Dragon Goddess of love, beauty, and passion, who nurtures the arts and the pursuit of aesthetic excellence.   With their faith as their guiding light and their unique powers at their disposal, the Dragon Knights of Asthar stand united in their mission to protect the nation, uphold justice, and honor the Dragon Gods they worship. Through their unwavering devotion, they serve as beacons of hope, defenders of the weak, and champions of the righteous cause.



The order of Dragon Knights within the nation of Asthar is a prestigious and revered religious order, composed of highly trained holy warriors. While the exact numbers of Dragon Knights and their support personnel can vary over time, depending on the needs of the nation and the state of conflicts, the order generally maintains a significant presence to fulfill its duties. The core force of Dragon Knights themselves consists of a formidable group of highly skilled warriors, comparable to paladins in their devotion and combat prowess. The number of active Dragon Knights can range from a few hundred to several thousand, depending on the size and needs of the nation. These knights are the frontline defenders and enforcers of the order, dedicated to upholding the tenets of their faith, protecting the weak, and vanquishing threats to the nation.   In addition to the Dragon Knights, there is a support network of individuals that work alongside them to ensure the smooth functioning and operations of the order. This includes administrators, priests, scribes, healers, blacksmiths, and other essential roles. These support personnel provide logistical support, medical aid, spiritual guidance, maintenance of weapons and armor, and various other services necessary for the order's functioning and the well-being of its members.   The exact number of support personnel can vary depending on the size and resources available to the order. While it is challenging to provide an exact figure, it can be estimated that the support network, including priests, administrators, healers, and others, may range from several hundred to a few thousand individuals.   It's important to note that the number of Dragon Knights and support personnel can fluctuate over time due to factors such as recruitment, retirements, casualties in battle, and the overall needs and demands of the nation. These fluctuations ensure that the order maintains a force capable of fulfilling its duties effectively while adapting to changing circumstances and challenges.   Overall, the order of Dragon Knights represents a significant manpower and support network within the nation of Asthar, combining their martial prowess, unwavering faith, and unique powers granted by the Dragon Gods to protect the nation, uphold justice, and serve as beacons of hope and righteousness.


A typical Dragon Knight is a formidable warrior equipped with a range of gear and equipment suited to their role within the order. While specific equipment can vary depending on the Dragon God or Goddess they align themselves with, as well as their particular specialization within the order, there are certain common elements that can be associated with a Dragon Knight's equipment. Weapons: Dragon Knights are skilled combatants and are typically armed with a variety of weapons suited to their fighting style and chosen Dragon God. This can include swords, spears, axes, maces, or other melee weapons. Some Dragon Knights may specialize in ranged combat and carry bows, crossbows, or throwing weapons. The design and ornamentation of their weapons may incorporate symbols or motifs associated with their Dragon God, reflecting their devotion and affiliation.   Armor: Dragon Knights wear protective armor to shield themselves in battle. The type of armor can vary depending on the Knight's chosen Dragon God and their specialization. This may include plate armor, chainmail, scalemail, or leather armor. The armor may be adorned with decorative elements or symbols representing their Dragon God or specific order within the faith.   Shields: Many Dragon Knights wield shields to provide additional defense in combat. Shields may be made of wood, metal, or a combination of materials, and they are often emblazoned with the insignia or emblem associated with their chosen Dragon God. The shield serves both as a defensive tool and a visible symbol of their devotion to their faith.   Tools: Depending on their specific specialization, Dragon Knights may carry a range of specialized tools and equipment. This can include siege equipment for those trained as siege engineers, such as battering rams, scaling ladders, or trebuchets. Healers within the order may carry medical supplies, bandages, potions, or herbs for treating injuries. Survival equipment, such as rope, grappling hooks, and rations, may be carried by Knights who specialize in wilderness exploration or scouting.   Divine Relics: Some Dragon Knights may possess or carry divine relics or artifacts associated with their chosen Dragon God. These relics can have special significance and may grant additional powers or blessings to the Knight. These artifacts are considered sacred and are treated with utmost reverence and care.   Symbolic Accessories: Dragon Knights often wear or carry accessories that symbolize their devotion to their Dragon God and their membership in the order. This can include pendants, amulets, or rings with the symbol or representation of their Dragon God. These accessories serve as a visible reminder of their faith and affiliation.   It's important to note that while there are general trends in the equipment carried by Dragon Knights, variations and individual preferences exist based on personal choice, training, and the specific needs of their role within the order. The equipment is tailored to support the Knight in their duties, whether it be in combat, healing, exploration, or other specialized tasks, allowing them to effectively serve their chosen Dragon God and uphold the tenets of their faith.


Rekrut (Recruit): This is the initial stage of a prospective Dragon Knight's journey. Rekruts are individuals who have recently joined the order and are undergoing training and preparation to become full-fledged members. They are guided by experienced Knights and mentors as they learn the ways of their chosen Dragon God and develop their skills in combat, faith, and the traditions of the order.   Schüler (Pupil): After completing their initial training and proving their dedication, Rekruts advance to the rank of Schüler. Schüler are considered apprentices or disciples who continue to learn from seasoned Dragon Knights and Knight Masters. They deepen their understanding of their chosen Dragon God's teachings, further hone their combat abilities, and engage in practical experiences to enhance their skills.   Drachenritter (Dragon Knight): Upon completing their rigorous training and proving their worth, Schüler are inducted into the esteemed rank of Drachenritter. They have embraced their divine connection to their chosen Dragon God and have undergone the physical transformation that reflects their divine alignment. Drachenritter are fully initiated members of the order, entrusted with the responsibility of upholding the tenets of their faith, protecting the weak, and enforcing justice. They serve as champions of their Dragon God, drawing upon their faith and unique powers to carry out their duties.   Rittermeister (Knight Master): The highest-ranking and most experienced members of the order, Rittermeisters hold positions of leadership and responsibility. They have demonstrated exceptional devotion, mastery of their skills, and deep understanding of their Dragon God's teachings. Rittermeisters serve as mentors, trainers, and advisors to the younger members of the order. They provide guidance, oversee training programs, and ensure the adherence to the sacred traditions and principles of the Dragon Knights. Their wisdom and experience make them invaluable resources in matters of strategy, faith, and the overall governance of the order.


During the training of a Dragon Knight, all titles and lands are stripped away, humbling the knight-to-be in preparation for their sacred journey. Assigned a guide, who is often a priest of the Dragon Pantheon or an accomplished Dragon Knight, the novice Knight receives guidance and instruction. The guide's responsibility is to ensure that the Knight receives a balance of theoretical study and practical experience. In pursuit of the latter, it is not uncommon to find a Dragon Knight accompanying an adventuring party, as they seek to strengthen their skills and confront the challenges of the world.   Once a Dragon Knight has gained sufficient experience and proven their dedication, a solemn ritual is conducted in their honor. Lasting for three days, this sacred ceremony is a celebration of their devotion and marks their reclamation of titles and lands. The first day is dedicated to honoring the Dragon Gods and their benevolence, offering prayers and tributes to express gratitude for their divine guidance. The second day is a tribute to the guides, acknowledging their service and unwavering dedication to the training of the Knights. On the final day, a grand feast is held, symbolizing the induction of the new Dragon Knight into the ranks of the order. During this joyous occasion, the Knight is bestowed with the rights to hold land and title once again, solidifying their position as a respected member of the Order of Die Zehn.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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