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The cryptic world of Vanquish is wrought with a history of secrecy dating all the way back to The Gap. Like all things affected within the multiverse, none remember the exact circumstances of how Vanquish came to be such a conglomeration of races, cultures, and all manner of things. Yet, one thing is abundantly clear: Vanquish is a planet as rich and diverse as the whole of the Pact Worlds. From the desert-dwelling formian workers to the gigantic colossal Kyokor, Vanquish teems with an abundance of both life and death.   Amidst the strange circumstances of centuries' old mysteries, Vanquish has never been a place of peace. In recent times the Edenhold Monarchy has crawled its way to the top of the food-chain, but only just barely. By imposing a systemic police-state on its citizens, the armies of Edenhold encapsulated the common man in a dystopian lifestyle where every fact is kept to record. What a man eats, who he associates himself with, and where he travels are just a few of the things that are kept within Edenhold's records. These records permeate the inner landscape of the country in the form of massive skyscrapers housing databanks, servers, and all manner of surveillance architecture.   In exchange for their lack of privacy, the average denizen commands a respectable wealth. None in Edenhold are found wanting, save the military caste, who are bereft of the same liberties the bustling celebrities and hedonistic Edenholder may be afforded. Such comes at a cost, however, as many of the military caste defect for the proverbially greener pastures of other sovereigns or become mercenaries of their own right.   Chief among them were the Firebrand, of whom two centuries ago had carved out a portion of the western deserts for their own. Today, they make up the fledgling nation of Cinderhold, which consists of numerous squabbling city-states, each hellbent on being the leader that would rally the once great Firebrand nations to war against their oppressors.   But Vanquish is a planet of many, and even combined the denizens of Edenhold and Cinderhold make up a minority of the planet's population.

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