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Far in the past, the first beings where created by the Cosmos to create new life and bring order to the universe. though they were mere mortals, those that looked for more eventually found it and they began to ascend above their races and strive towards ultimate power. many started out seeking to better the lives of their fellows with the cosmic power attained through Ascension. These beings upon ascending would achieve immortality from the ravages of time. Eventually these being fell to their own petty desires and quickly divided themselves into factions and waged war for dominance.   This war was waged across the universe and its volatility cause the birth and death of stars. Black holes where created from the titanic battles. Between the sundering of worlds and the implosion of stars, both side built up their strength until a final battle was at hand. The final battle saw the releasing of spells of the highest strengths using all the different types of magic. It was a clash that threatened reality, the universe and Creation itself. It is said that The Cosmos itself intervened stopping the battle before everything was destroyed. The Cosmos saw that these immortals that it had hoped to use as sentinels to guide the race of the universe had failed and were now a danger.   The Cosmos decided that to protect the universe the immortals must be dealt with. It did this by exiling every Immortal into a new sliver of reality - a pocket dimension from which there was only one exit. Then it locked them within that dimension using every energy and magic that existed. Vanheim is that lock, every aspect of the world provided energy to maintain the lock, everything from the sky to the very core of the planet, even all the animal, monster, and person, it has become a living, breathing lock. Vanheim's creation gave the Cosmos a new chance putting new restrictions on ascension, and used the magic to begin again, hoping for a better outcome.   The immortals are not quiet in their exile. They seek to destroy this lock and free themselves, finding a way to do so with what they call the Great Tournament. pooling their energy and using the magic of the lock they choose champions to fight one another until only one remains. the winner gets the prize, all the energy of the immortals. The immortals will use the release of energy in this one moment to destroy the lock and set them free.

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