The Underdark Geographic Location in Valoroth | World Anvil
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The Underdark

Deep beneath the surface world lies and entire world of nightmares and dark civilizations.   The Underdark is divide divided into three distinct layers, each with their own characteristics, inhabitants and hazards.   Nar-Voth   Nar-Voth is the uppermost of the three regions—the "wilderness" of the Underdark.[1] Most explorers of the Underdarkare only familiar with this region. It is mostly composed of a series of cave networks connected by lengthy twisting tunnels. For a cave network to be considered part of this region, there must be a connection to the region of Sekamina below.[2]   Sekamina   Below Nar-Voth lies the largest realm—Sekamina. This region consists of a vast underground warren of tunnels that span continents.[1] Found here are also great underground rivers and lakes. Most of the entrances to Sekamina require traveling through Nar-Voth first, but it is believed there are exceptions.[2]   Orv   The deepest realm of the Underdarkis the mysterious and dangerous layer of Orv. Here, many immense caverns known as vaults host a wide array of underground oceans, caverns with jungles and artificial suns, entire nations of warmongering humanoids, and regions containing mountain ranges and vast deserts. Typically the denizens of the upper Underdarkthink of the vaults with the same sense of fear and wonder that surface folk do for them, thus only the absolute bravest of adventurers ever seeks out these deep subterranean worlds.[1]


Entrances to the Underdark Just because a cavern or dungeon is deep does not mean that it is part of the Underdark. Most such places are simply natural or artificial caves that connect only to the surface and do not delve any deeper. In order to truly qualify, an underground location must possess connections to the greater system of tunnels and caverns of Nar-Voth or Sekamina. These entrances range from the once great dwarven Sky Citadels to the infamous Pit of Gormuz and aren't always as obvious as one might suspect.         Travel Finding one's way through the Underdarkcan be a dangerous and time-consuming undertaking, not only because of its belligerent inhabitants, but because the physical structure of its tunnels and chambers complicate travel. Although more linear, artificial tunnels and grottoes exist (most notably in Orv), the large majority of passages in the Underdarkare the result of natural processes and are twisting and confusing, often ending in cave-ins, pits, or other impassable obstructions.
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