Dragonknight Species in Valoroth | World Anvil
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  Dragonknights are descended from the dragons of old. 560 years ago, the Dragon King Dekard commanded his court wizard, Volan to create a new race of warriors to protect him and his family.   Using a combination of his own magical knowledge, and that of the King’s Dragon, Koldor, Volan was able to create the Dragonknights. Incorruptible warriors – part dragon, part man – the Dragonknights have served the royal family for centuries.   Created over the course of a 10 year period where the wizard Volan used his magic on a collection of eggs, the Dragonknights are seemingly immortal. Every Dragonknight that still lives has been alive since their hatching.   Dragonknights were created to be the ultimate loyal protectors, and as such the ability to breed was taken from them. Volan reasoned that a warrior will always choose their offspring over their duty, so he removed the Dragonknights’ ability to procreate.   There are rumours that the magic college on the Dragon’s Teeth islands have been studying this and are attempting to reverse engineer the process.   Physical Description   Dragonknights are taller and heavier than humans, standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging 250 pounds or more. Society The Dragonknights exist to serve the rightful King and their family. They were bred as warriors and the only society they have outside of serving their King and the realm is their clan.   Dragonknights were hatched in groups and organised into clans to make them efficient fighting units. They are fiercely loyal to members of their birth clan, or those that they consider to be their clan through shared experiences.   The Purge   After the murder of Good King Marius, his half-brother, Richard the Protector claimed that the Dragonknights had slaughtered the king and his family and outlawed them.   Across the realm the word was spread that the Dragonknights were the enemy, and the order to kill them was given.   Hundreds of noble warriors were killed in the following months before those left alive could go into hiding.   Since the Purge, there is a bounty of 1,000 gold pieces to anyone with information that leads to the capture of a Dragonknight.   Relations   As the personal guard of the King, the Dragonknights have a strong connection with the Pathfinders, and in the years following King Marius’ death, many of those Dragonknights that escaped the purge have joined Pathfinder companies (in secret – of course).   Some Dragonknights that serve with a group of Pathfinders come to view them as their clan, and will fight as fiercely to protect them as they would for their own kin. Alignment and Religion   Dragonknights are champions of law and order, travelling the realm defending the people in the King’s name, and as such will usually be Lawful Good.   Since the death of Good King Marius however, the law of Valoroth is in direct opposition to the Dragonknights, as they themselves are outlaws. Because of this, Dragonknights have turned to the protection of the realm as a whole and its people over a strict observation of the word of law.   Some Dragonknights have become more self-centred and opportunistic, so may be chaotic or neutral in alignment. Dragonknights were bred to be incorruptible and loyal however, and cannot be any alignment with the Evil descriptor. Dragonknights are not typically pious creatures, and few of them openly worship any of Valoroth’s deities.   Adventures   Dragonknights travel the realm protecting the King’s subjects and seeking out evil to banish it from the land.   There are many tales of villages or towns coming under attack only for one or more Dragonknights to arrive and save the town. Once the people are safe, the Dragonknights vanish as quickly as they arrived.   Notable Dragonknights   Ser Kovax the Just – Leader of the Dragonknights. Ser Vrakprax the Resolute Ser Marvull the Dread Ser Krivythas the Undying Lady Satrix the Frenzied Lady Kovys the Sword of the Night Lady Orisira Steelfist Ser Hikax the Honourable Ser Narvroth the Honest Ser Gredaar the Black Ser Xarwunax the Valiant Ser Raskul the Blessed Ser Jinqrin the Relentless Ser Xarprax the Breaker Ser Krivvarax the Proud Lady Belkira the Stalwart Lady Amiryse the Guardian Lady Mirinn the Young Lady Jesgil the Vigilant Lady Dayassa Gallant Ser Nakul the Dancer Ser Guruun the Protector Ser Tomorn the Smith – The last remaining knight descended from a Copper dragon. The only known Dragonknight able to forge Dragonsteel. Ser Artrin the Obliterator Ser Badaar the Secretary of Death Ser Calulin the Wild Ser Xarcrath the Raider Ser Krommush the Decaying Ser Tograx the Majestic Ser Lady Belyax the Nightblade Ser Orrhis the Berserker Lady Malzys the Earthshaker Lady Ildrith the Burning Star Ser Arish the Wanderer Lady Árfyre the Farseer Lady Faethra the Soft-Spoken Ser Sulfras the Shadow Ser Eraskan the Inquisitor Ser Calurash the Firm Ser Marhazar the Dread Ser Marxan the Master of Spies Lady Lalthan the Wise Ser Narziros the Sly Ser Jinrakas the Jester  

Dragonknight Racial Traits

  +2 Strength, -1 Dexterity   +2 to all Intimidation checks, +2 to all Knowledge (Geography, History, Local, and Nobility) checks.   +2 Natural Armour   Medium: Dragonknights are medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.   Darkvision: Dragonknights can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Damage Resistance: Dragonknights have a resistance 10 to the energy type of their breath weapon.   Dragonknight Fury: When a Dragonknight takes damage that would make them bloodied (50% or fewer hit points), they enter a rage that gives them a temporary +2 bonus to Strength until they are no longer bloodied or have not fought for at least 1 hour. Dragonknights cannot use skills or abilities that require patience or concentration (such as moving silently or casting a spell) while in their fury.   Dragon Breath: When creating a Dragonknight, choose 1 energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) and 1 type of breath weapon (15 ft. cone or 30 ft. Line) as your breath weapon. These selections cannot be changed after they have been chosen.   Starting at level 3, once per day, as a standard action, a Dragonknight can use their breath weapon to deal 1d8 damage to all within the area of the breath (Reflex save for half: DC 10+1/2 Dragonknight HD+Constitution modifier).   At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, the Dragonknight can use their breath weapon one additional time per day. At 20th level, the Dragonknight can use their breath weapon at will.   Improved Dragon Breath: A Dragonknight may select this as a feat. Benefit: You can use your breath weapon one additional time per day, but must wait 3 rounds between each use. In addition, you gain one of the benefits listed below: Increased Area – Your breath weapon‘s area of effect increases. If your breath weapon is a cone, it’s area of effect increases to 30 ft.; if your breath weapon is a line, it’s area of effect increases to 60 ft. Increased Damage – Your breath weapon deals an additional 2d6 damage, but no more than 1d6 per level.   Powerful Breath – Your breath weapon deals half damage on a failed saving throw. Special: You can take this feat up to three times. Each time you take this feat, you gain an additional use per day of your breath weapon and may choose a new benefit listed.     Draconic Awakening: At level 20 your dragon blood has matured, allowing you to assume the form of your ancestors. Once per day for one encounter (or 10 minutes outside of combat) you can assume the form of an Adult Dragon, giving you all the benefits that come with it. However, such a form takes a heavy toll on your body, causing you to lose 2000 exp each time you assume their form until level 30 where you have completely matured and can assume the form whenever you please for free.   Weapon Familiarity: Dragonknights are proficient with Greatswords and Greataxes, and treat any weapon with the word “dragon” or “draconic” in its name as a martial weapon.   Languages: Dragonknights begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Dragonknights with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Abyssal, Aquan (sea), Auran (heavens), Ignan (fire), Terran (Earth).

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Genetic Descendants
Average Height
Well over 6 feet tall.
Average Weight

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