The Ladder of Valmet Geographic Location in Valmet | World Anvil
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The Ladder of Valmet

Of the wonders dotting the skies and lands of Valmet, none are quite so famous or notable as The Ladder of Valmet. A series of 10 continent sized floating islands all supported by the living crystals, Seraphite. Hundreds of small islands hover and wander to and fro around the general area, flinging even smaller floating islands across the worlds skies. Legends say that atop the tower is the seat of rule by which the gods toil away for the worlds benefit or destruction. To date, the lowest floating continent has only been partially explored. The other 9 levels are a mystery, only theorized to be a mixture of the worlds environments.

Localized Phenomena

Seraphite crystals grow from the flying continents, as long as 1000 meters on average. For reasons unknown, the these massive crystals all stay close to their origins by The Dotted Pillar.
Alternative Name(s)
The Stairway to Heaven, The Dotted Pillar, The Vagrant Isles
Island, Floating
Location under

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