Dragoons of U.R.S.A Organization in Valmet | World Anvil
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Dragoons of U.R.S.A

The Dragoons of Ursa are the aerial portion of their armed forces. The organisation touts a swarm doctrine type navy focusing on boarding craft and overrunning the enemy with smaller vessels. Only a few large ships exist and they exist only as command ships giving support, orders and moral boosts when possible. When present in battle, the Dragoons execute wolfpack tactics that coincide with a hint of moral ambiguity when possible. An example of morally ambiguous weapon is a vehicle, perhaps a cruiser refitted to being a fuel tanker, filled with fuel that rams a target. A suicide runner of sorts. Despite the brutal nature of this force they are known to be chivalrous and enemies will be escorted to escape vehicles or given parachutes. However, any resistance is met with total annihilation. Additionally, High ranking officials are taken in for questioning.


Some smaller vessels function as a motherships, light aircraft carriers, that launch boarding craft at the enemy. Capture and Control define these units purpose. Supporting the boarding craft are destroyers and cruisers which serve as intimidation and fire support.   The command ships do sport heavy weapons which are primarily there for covering for other medium sized or smaller ships. The weaponry for command ships focuses on longer range and short range. The short range discourages counter boarding. Medium range is none-existent.   Cruisers possess an airburst bomb system in addition to medium and short range weapons to deal with fighters and other ships.   Patrol boats are armed with short range cannons or something in that same size/class.   destroyers have mid to intermediate range salvos of 4 rockets that travel to a short range, before detonating to release a cloud of shrapnel. the special weapons can also detonate in proximity to an an enemy if magically enhanced. Due to their power the rockets can easily disable ships of the destroyer class and pose a serious threat to cruisers. The reload time however, is upwards of 10 minutes due to size.   Boarding craft have a harpoon designed to latch onto ships and reel them in or reel the boat closer.   Borders are called Sky Reapers. Boarding tactics involve a 'berserker' that breaks into the ship and forces open a hole into the ships crew that the other boarders can exploit. The assault boarders then step up to take advantage of the opening and put pressure on the enemy crew, giving support to flame troopers and needed. The flame troopers are responsible for intimidation and overall exercising the firepower they have been given. The flamers either capture or control. The boarding teams either enter through hatches, damaged hulls, or escape vehicle ports if present. Boarding Teams consist of 12 people: 2 flamers, 4 berserkers, 6 assault troopers. No medics. Regular field teams have medics.
Military, Air Force
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization

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