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March 14th 525

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Somewhere off the shores of any continent known to man, if one travels far enough out into the ocean and brings something of worth, they may stumble across the island nation known to its inhabitants as Valbjorn.   To get here one must first pass through the towering marble statues of the natives of this land. These watchers stand 305 feet tall from where the waves lick their base, and their sightless gaze unsettles any humans crossing into this world. It is once past the ominous statues that any mammal aboard begins to enter through changes. In the few moments one has entered the seas of Valbjorn select creatures gain self awareness, greater intelligence, and the ability to speak a foreign tongue that is known to all creatures.   Those coming inland from the ocean will always spot the first land from the south east peninsula. From this point on, no occupant aboard the ship will ever leave Valbjorn.   The land of Valbjorn is cold and harsh, studded across with a low mountain range and crowded with an active volcano. Cut through the middle with a raging river and dense, near unnavigable forest coating the eastern side and portions of the west side.   Despite only hosting a single city, Valbjorn is ripe with countless cultures, towns, and factions that have been formed in the 500 years since the first victims were brought here. Various religions, tribes and even micronations have formed in an effort for the countless species to coexist. And perhaps to thrive.

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