Roul Heartlock Character in Ustos | World Anvil
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Roul Heartlock

Roul Heartlock

You can't just go around telling folks you're a necromancer nowadays. And, well, you couldn't do it back then either, but that's not the point, y'know?
  Roul Heartlock is a necromantic mage who works as an undertaker in his spare time. He is currently focused on compiling all his knowledge into a series of books.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Roul is stocky, though not particularly strong, and looks like he hasn't slept in years.

Identifying Characteristics

Roul is missing quite a lot of his right ear, has deep bags under his eyes, and rarely bothers to hide the spiderweb-like scarring over his heart.

Physical quirks

He is ambidextrous, and walks with a slouch.

Apparel & Accessories

Roul wears simple, common clothes and sturdy boots, as well as a too-large robe with arcane runes along the hems.

Specialized Equipment

He carries several component pouches filled with magical ingredients, as well as a bag of dried catnip.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Roul is male, and uses masculine pronouns.


Roul is bisexual and uncaring of most of the traditional beauty standards, though he does have a preference for taller people.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to complete his books as much as possible, and is always searching for knowledge about his craft that he doesn't already know.


Although he keeps his workspaces immaculate and attends to corpses with precision and respect, he tends to not care as much about his physical appearance and often appears disheveled and sleepless.


Hobbies & Pets

He has a skeletal familiar of a cat, which he's named Selim.


Roul speaks very informally, and often rather rudely in languages that associate formality with respect.
Lawful Neutral
An unnaturally bright purple, with runes written in a ring around his pupils
Dirty blonde, short and choppy, with a patchy beard.

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