Baltalinn’s Shop Building / Landmark in Uriel | World Anvil
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Baltalinn’s Shop

Baltalinn’s Shop, owned by Baltalinn’s Jravis, a second generation half-titan. On the Level 7, the shop specializes in Giant's runic magic, enchanting items through the name of famous ancestors and the names of their ancestors. The most notable item in the shop is a rod of blue nodestone protected by walls of force. There is also a collection of strange gifts from first time buyers in a glass panel. One a demonic draconic head, specifically a green fiendish dragon born, bane bat claws, various pottery, a 2-ft by 3-ft sandstone rock, A shard-Rifle Shotgun, and in there a book/tome titled the Tales of those who come and go, which holds the stories of the items and those who had them. The glass panel is merely an illusion.
  Most items in the shop are in glass panels with mahogany wood with a dark red stain.
  The shop is guarded by 3 guards from the Magigate Arcanumm adorning the traditional royal blue and red cloth, but yellow in middle suggesting a different sub guild. The guards specifically are 2 male hill dwarves, and 1 female hobgoblin who has a scimitar.

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