Chapter 9: Betrayal Under the Mountain Report in Untold Tales | World Anvil
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Chapter 9: Betrayal Under the Mountain

General Summary

The following morning The Outsiders returned to the training area to receive their next orders from High Priest Clegane. However when they arrived everything was in chaos, acolytes were running back and forth. When they managed to catch Clegane's attention he informed them that the bodies of several members had been found in the cave below and assigned them to root out the intruders responsible. 
  They convince Clegane that the intruders might be disguised as cult members and he agrees to let them interview cult members in small groups. They split the acolytes in half and take one group into the sparring arena while Clegane searched the rest of the floor. 
  One the party had split the cultists they turned the tables and Gantreal incinerated the group. Unfortunately they made a bit more noise than they intended and drew Clegane and his followers back to the training area. 
  Clegane ignited his blade and cursed Belagar with his own blood. The party managed to surround him and used his body to block the door and prevent his backup from entering from behind. It wasn't long before they overwhelmed him. With the High Priest down Nyx and Theridamaus her snake slid through the gap to move on to the underlings. 
  It was at this moment that one of the cultists cast shatter and collapsed the door between the chambers. Leaving the bulk of the party and Nyx trapped outside.
Report Date
12 Sep 2020

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