Chapter 7: Dinner for Two Report in Untold Tales | World Anvil
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Chapter 7: Dinner for Two

General Summary

Once inside the cave the party found themselves with a choice. Up or down. They decided it best to start with the bottom and work their way up. 
  Down the tunnel the discovered a vast chamber with a large pool of water in the center. Upon closer inspection they could see what looked like eggs and a tunnel at the bottom of the pool. While they were inspecting the pool they were ambushed by a serpent with a human face. This was a naga den! Belagar and Thonur tried to talk Paswada down but it was not to be. She was hungry and had already decided to make a meal of them. 
  During the combat that ensued The Outsiders became pinned between Paswada and her mate Vroksha. It was a tight scrape but our heroes prevailed and slew the beasts. 
  Exhausted and covered in gore the party retreated to the entrance of the cavern to rest.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
12 Sep 2020
Primary Location
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