Weapon and Shield Profession in Untold Legends | World Anvil
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Weapon and Shield

Prerequisites: Strength •••, Stamina •••, Weaponry ••
Your character knows how to fight from behind a shield with a one-handed weapon. These maneuvers strike a balance between protection and offense and are used in tandem with others, such as in a Viking shield wall. All attacks made with a shield are done with a -2 penalty, characters with the ambidextrous perk reduce this to -1. Unless  

• Bash:

Your character slams her shield into an oncoming opponent, disrupting their attack. When Dodging add her shield's weapon bonus to her pool. If she reduces an opponent's attack successes to 0 then any additional successes inflict bashing damage.

•• Boar's Snout:

Your character throws everything into a forward charge trusting in her shield to protect her. Using a weapon and shield your character can all out attack and retains her shield's Size bonus to Defense for the turn. If this maneuver is used the same turn by other allies with shields then add an additional +1 to Defense for each.

••• Pin Weapon:

Your character uses her shield to trap an opponent's weapon. If an opponent misses a melee attack against your character make a reflexive Strength + Weaponry roll. If successful, her opponent can't use his weapon again until he's succeeded on a roll of Strength + Athletics – shield's weapon bonus. Note that you can only pin one weapon at a time this way and an opponent can choose to simply let go of the weapon at any time instead of fighting to regain it.

•••• Shield proficiencey:

Your characters mastery of using a weapon and a shield together has progressed to such a degree tey gain a +1 Defense bonus, and no penalty for using a weapon and a shield. Characters with the ambidextrous perk gain a +1 to attacks as well.

••••• Tortoise Shell:

Your character knows how to position herself so that she's completely protected by her shield. When using a shield she is considered behind Cover any turn that she does not attack. When used in conjunction with other shield wielding allies add a +2 for each to her shield's Durability.

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