The Giantsbane Legacy Myth in Untold Legends | World Anvil
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The Giantsbane Legacy

Grimgrod Giantsbane. Long ago, clans of northmen was warring with the giants of the north. Chieftan Grimgrod rallied the clans of the northern wastes and defeated the Giant King, earing the name Giantsbane.   Grimgrod took a giantess as a wife and fathered two children, one taller and stronger than any man of the clans. The weaker of the two tried to usurp and undermine his older brothers powers as Chieftain after Grimgrods death out of jealousy. Undoing the work Grimgrod had done, the clans were once again fractioned as brother fought against brother.   In the end Ugrim Giantborne successfully defended his position as chieftain. The split sown by his jealous brother however wasn't possible to mend and Ugrim Giantborne brought his people further west and north, leaving the old lands of his father behind.   This clan, a mix of men and giants came to settle the Northreach coast. The intermingling of Men and giants turned into what is today known as the Northmen. To this day descendants of Giantsbane and Giantborne rule the frozen fjords venerating their ancestors as gods.
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