Paladins of Muire Organization in Untold Legends | World Anvil
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Paladins of Muire

Máel Muire: As the stories go, Máel Muire was a woman following Orn, the god of life. She was a warrior in the old kingdom before the great religious reformation. Details of Máel is now scarce outside the order of Máel and their paladins. Viewed as holy warriors gaining divine powers through the worship of this person of old that transcended into sainthood.


- Candidate
- Initiate
- Apprentice
- Paladin
- High Paladin
- Grand Paladin  
Candidate: Candidates are what it is, a prospect that through trials might be allowed to become a initiate. The trials are done at the Shrine of Máel in Stillcairn or in some cases in their Shrine in Lithuiwen - over a 3 month period. Even though they call their holdings Shrines, they are more like very, very nice militia quarters mixed with a monastory.  
Initiate: A initiate is a candidate deemed worthy to enter the order. Teaching starts, and continues for 5 years. What is tought includes writing, reading, math, history, politics, ethics, diplomacy, study of the orders gods and other gods, laguages, armed and unarmed combat as well as strategy and survival.  
Apprentice: When an initiate has passed their exam and trail by combat they are to be tutored by a Paladin. 2 Apprentices are given to a Paladin to teach while doing the orders work. The time a apprentice is tutored range from 5 to 10 years, depending on the induvidual. When the Paladin tutoring the apprentice deems him or her ready to become a paladin a series of trial are done, testing the apprentice mentally and physically in the subjects taught during the initiate years.

Public Agenda

Uphold divine law, help the needing and do as their Deities bid.   A Order of highly devout people mainly worshiping Máel, and through her Orn. Their final purpose in life is to transcend just like their main deity. They also worship both Idraura the goddess of death, as well as Idohr the god of war. They believe that Life is gifted by the gods, and that life is struggle, through struggle they attain peace through death or elevation. Even though their goal is to transcend they firmly believe the journey is most important. As such they subscribe to a strict moral code and strive to help those worthy and unfortunate. Their numbers has dwindled over the centuries. Their organization has been restructured some and is much like a private army with their leader being the Grand Paladin.

In Muire we trust!

Religious, Holy Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level

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