United oshatan territories The Blackstone Engine Heist of 1817
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The Blackstone Engine Heist of 1817

Criminal Activity


The first major heist of Cain Matthews' career would come to define the outlaw's ongoing criminal career. It would also begin the bitter rivalry between Cursed Cain Matthews and UOS Marshal Morcan Roach.

The Blackstone Engine Heist began with great success for Cursed Cain Matthews. Boarding the train at Hope's Edge, Cain took the ticket collector hostage when the time came to check his ticket. Using the ticket collector's keys, he made his way to the front of the train and asked the driver to kindly bring the train to a halt. He explained that he was merely after the engine and that while everyone would be fine and unaccosted, they would not be reaching Blackstone in a timely manner. Within moments of the train stopping, a wagon pulled alongside the train. An unidentified accomplice took a set of chains from the wagon and began hooking them around the wagon. As soon as the chains were hooked around the engine, the sounds of hooves came over the nearby hilltop. Cain recognised the posse, led by Marshal Roach, and realised he was out of time.   Spooking the horses, he yanked the engine violently out of the train and sped away on his wagon. The two rode away, the engine trailing behind. Soon, the wagon was surrounded on all sides by Morcan Roach and his men. As his accomplice manned the reins, Matthews fired wildly from the rear of the wagon as he attempted to pull the heavy chains onto the wagon. Matthews was interrupted by Morcan Roach, well into his 600s, leaping from his horse to the wagon. Sensing an opportunity, Matthews held Roach at gunpoint. This caused Roach's deputies to parley with the desperate outlaw. Matthews agreed to not blow Roach's head off if the deputies helped him with the engine. Stopping their chase, the deputies shifted the engine onto the wagon. Matthews, in a show of good faith, only shot Roach in the leg. The chase quickly resumed with Matthews unable to lose his pursuers, which included a wounded Morcan Roach.   Losing steam, Matthews lightened the load the only way he knew how. He ditched his accomplice, a move that would cost him dearly. Distracted from the reins, Matthews missed the ravine ahead and went careening into the rocky river bed below.

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