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Somewhat baffling, the south west contains a quad set of islands who at one point were one large land mass but a cataclysmic event caused The Cracked Isles to be formed. Sol, Thora, Aban and Jord. Now each is home to a majorly one type of Genasi race, Fire, Air, Water, Earth.   North of the Crackes Isles, and North West of the area lives a clan of Cloud Giants, on a mass of floating land masses the Cloud Giants keep the weather in check.   The eastern coast is home to the largest land mass in this world, that is the home of men, elves, dwarve and a sprinkling of other races.   The world itself is a little off kilter to your run of the mill fantasy lands, most due to the incorporation of Acquisituons Incorporated, some less world ending quests and more Tibbles is stuck in the tree again.

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