Nalhalla Organization in Umbriel | World Anvil
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Nalhalla is a desert nation in the south of Delia. It's known for its harsh climate, but it also contains many oases where people can find water and shelter from the heat. The desert is home to many tribes who live there, including the Akkadians, the Tuareg, the Khatmeh, and others. The desert is also home to a few nomadic peoples like the Salim. Most of these people have no interest in fighting, but they're not above raiding caravans if their supplies run low.   The desert is home to some unusual creatures as well. There are sand scorpions, giant lizards called gazelles, and even djinns. Many of the desert tribes worship djinns as gods, so they've been able to keep the genies hidden away from most of civilization.   There are two major cities in Nalhalla: Sadai and Sarif City. Both are built around oasis towns, which provide the only real sources of water in the desert. These towns act as trade hubs between the desert tribes and the rest of civilization. The oasis towns also serve as places where travelers can buy food, drink, and other goods before heading deeper into the desert.   Sarif City is the capital of Nalhalla. It's located in the center of a large oasis, and it acts as a trading hub for merchants traveling through the desert. The city itself is quite large, but it's surrounded by walls to protect it from raiders. The city is divided into different districts based on wealth and social status. The wealthiest citizens live in the eastern district, while the poorest inhabit the western district.  
  In addition to serving as a trading hub, Sarif City is also home to the royal palace. The king lives in the northern part of the city, while his wife and children reside in the southern part of the city. The king's palace is surrounded by gardens and fountains, making it an attractive place for visitors.   Sadai is the second largest city in Nalhalla. It's located in the southwestern corner of the desert, and it serves as a military outpost. The city is protected by a wall made up of wooden stakes driven deep into the ground. The inhabitants of Sadai are mostly soldiers and slaves, since they need to be prepared for any potential attack.   Sadai is also home to a temple dedicated to Bahamut, the god of war. The temple was built to honor the sacrifices made during the last war against the Akkadian Empire. The temple is built over a pit filled with blood and broken weapons, and it's said that anyone who enters the temple will never leave alive.   Life in the desert wastes of Nalhalla is extremely tough. People must constantly worry about being attacked by raiders or wild animals. They must also make sure they don't run out of water, because without it, they'll die within days. The desert is hot enough that dehydration becomes a serious problem very quickly. In order to survive in this environment, people wear light clothing and carry plenty of water. They also avoid going outside at night when the temperature drops below freezing.   Many desert dwellers have adapted to life in the desert. They've developed thick skin that protects them from the sun and toughened fingernails that help them dig through the sand. Others have developed a tolerance for the heat, allowing them to work in the desert day after day without collapsing from exhaustion. Still others have become masters of camouflage, blending in with their surroundings and becoming almost invisible.   Raiders are the biggest danger facing travelers in the desert. These nomads live off the land and take whatever they want from whoever they can get their hands on. Raiders are usually armed with spears, bows, and slingshots, but they sometimes bring along larger weapons like swords and axes. If you encounter a group of raiders, your best bet is to run away as fast as possible. They won't chase down someone who has already fled, but they might decide to follow you until they catch you.   Dangerous beasts also roam the wastes of Nalhalla. Sand scorpions are dangerous predators that hunt in packs. Their sting can kill a human in minutes, so travelers should stay far away from these creatures. Giant lizards called gazelles are another common predator. They're much bigger than scorpions, but they can still pack a powerful punch. A gazelle bite can easily kill a person, so travelers should try to avoid them whenever possible.   The desert is also home to djinns. Djinns are magical creatures that are often worshipped as gods by the desert tribes. They're able to grant wishes to those who worship them, but they can also cause terrible disasters if angered. Most djinns tend to be benevolent, however, so they rarely cause problems for humans.
Geopolitical, Kingdom

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