Shadow Species in Umbragard | World Anvil
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A human-like, sapient species of nocturnal hominins.

Basic Information


Shadows largely resemble humans, being bipedal with two arms and two legs, opposable thumbs, and large skulls.

Shadows are nocturnal and live most of their lives in the dark. Some of them even live underground, and are able to breath stale air. Somehow, they live with little to no exposure to sunlight, but do not suffer rickets or go blind. Direct sunlight gives them migraines, except with magical assistance.

Genetics and Reproduction

Shadows reproduce like normal humans, with one notable exception. Their babies are born prematurely, and then incubated in an egg-like cocoon made of the mother's folds for the rest of the gestation period. Inside the cocoon, it is completely dark, and the infant is fed only Elixir for this period of time, in order to develop its folds. When the cocoon begins to fall apart and the baby is "born" a second time, it is wearing its first layer of folds.

It is Shadow custom to ritualistically decorate and embellish the cocoon, with everything from precious stones and pearls to berries and nut shells.

Growth Rate & Stages

Shadows grow at the same rate as normal humans, and experience all the same developmental milestones as normal humans

Dietary Needs and Habits

Shadows are omnivorous, and for the most part, they eat like normal humans. They eat fruits, vegetables and grains, they hunt game with weapons, and they eat the same range of food as humans.

However, Shadows also consume the life force of regular humans, the filtered "essence" of their souls, which Shadows call Elixir. They do this to thicken their folds, therefore providing them with protection, warmth, energy, and strengthened magical power. Most Shadows enjoy making a game out of tempting and tormenting humans before sucking a tiny bit of life force out the mouth. It is usually only enough life force to make the human temporarily lose consciousness, and not particularly damaging.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Shadow faces resemble human faces for the most part, and facial structures vary by individual. Their eyes are often either dark (brown or black), or bright, vivid colors such as green, orange, yellow, purple, magenta, red, sharp blue, or white. Their irises can glow in the dark. Eyes may have vertical pupils.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Shadows have enhanced night vision, hearing, and sense of smell. Some have vertical pupils. All of them are capable of controlling magic to some degree, and most of them are born with a "Nightsense," an innate magical ability, such as telepathy, shapeshifting, or echolocation.

Instead of clothing, Shadows wear folds, which are mist-like garments made of a dark, semi-solid material. Shadows are born with the thinnest layer of their folds, and acquire the rest through draining small amounts of life force from humans.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Kingdom of Umbragard  The Black Circle

Beauty Ideals

Umbragardian Shadows' ideal is very smooth, pale skin, prominent cheekbones, striking eyes, thick hair, a lithe figure, and thick, dark folds.

Relationship Ideals

Some form of polyamory is common in most Shadow societies, with some Shadows having multiple long-term lovers and others having frequent or occasional flings. Shadows usually begin engaging in recreational sexual activity by their late teens. Although most Shadows remain polyamorous throughout their lives, they usually choose a single mate to live and breed with. Marriage thus becomes a social contract rather than a sexual one. Marriage is an agreement to share property, and to be responsible for raising children. Shadows value intimacy and passion in their relationships, and communicate openly with each other.

Average Technological Level

Relatively low level of advanced technology, due to the prevalence of magic. Shadows will use candles, torches, lanterns, sophisticated plumbing systems, soap, carriages, clocks, mirrors, swords, knives, pole arms, bows and arrows, armor (to an extent), horse tack, metalware and cauldrons, taps, woodwork, metalwork, leatherwork, glasswork, and printed paper. However, they use magic for stonework, agriculture, heat, and energy.

Common Dress Code

Folds may be molded to resemble any sort of material or clothing, and Shadows will mold them into whatever suits them. When folds are loose, they appear as misty robes. It is generally considered acceptable to be out in public in loose folds, but not generally acceptable to be in public wearing only inner folds.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Shadows tend to have a dark aesthetic, exhibited by the dark clothes they mold their folds into, their architecture (for example, gothic architecture with a fondness for wrought iron and gargoyles), their tastes in music, art, and interior design, and their appreciation for things that normal humans may find frightening, disturbing, grim, or sinister. Shadow cultural values reflect and distort the cultural values of Conscious people, encouraging Conscious people to question their moral standards (for example, most Shadows value sexual freedom over monogamy, and indulging in one's sins over self-denial). All Shadows value introspection and self-acceptance. They believe that that personal perfection is obtained when one completely accepts and internalizes the aspects of oneself that one denies.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Most Shadows recognize the lunar cycle, celebrating at different phases of the moon, most notably the full and dark phases. Most Shadows also recognize Hallowmass, Samhain, Shadowmass, or Hallow's Eve, in which they celebrate their own dead, and travel to the Conscious world in order to wreak havoc.

Common Taboos

Social taboos among Shadows are very, very few, because their culture is based on the dark side of life and pushing the social limits and moral standards of humans. The only true taboos Shadows recognize are incest, cannibalism, murder (in most cases), pedophilia, and non-consensual sexual contact. Shadows even recognize that not all of these are innately evil so much as inherently disgusting.

The only really unusual and unique taboo that Shadows have is wearing actual fabric. Shadows use actual fabric on furnishings, pillows, carpets, and the like, but will never wear it. They will not wear anything except their own folds, with the sole exception of fur and leather. The idea of a Shadow wearing actual fabric is unthinkable, because Shadows find it revolting. There is also a more minor social taboo around touching another Shadow's folds without permission.

Historical Figures

Nocturne, known as the High King, who united Umbragardian Shadows under his rule. Many legends exist around him. He began the Nocturne Dynasty, and the current royal family is descended from him (along with most of Nighthaven).

Common Myths and Legends

Most Shadows tell stories about the benevolence of the Night, in some form. Often these include a creation story explaining how Shadows came to be born from Night. In some of these stories, Shadows were born from Lady Night and the Lord of Darkness. In others, they are the progeny of a male Night and a female Moon.

Many Shadow tales emphasize the importance of self-reflection, and concern a decent or "dark night of the soul." In these tales, a young Shadow encounters nightmares that represent its own self, which it must then learn to play with in order to reach its full potential.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Shadows can be somewhat disdainful of normal humans, regarding their restrictive and sometimes corrupt social customs to be repressive and backwards. Shadows largely regard humans as playthings, or otherwise sources of amusement. However, Shadows are capable of forming genuine bonds with ordinary humans.

Shadows are generally on good terms with other sapient species, such as Fey, Sylvani, and some species of monster. Shadows are somewhat distanced from other sapient night creatures, being neither human nor inhuman.

Scientific Name
Homo sapiens nocturnus
80 years
Average Height
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Shadow skin is smooth and appears to be unnaturally lighter or darker than normal human skin. almost bloodless, with less of a "warm" pink, brown, or gold undertone, but noticeably "cooler" gray, blue or purple undertones. (For example, Northern European Shadows have extremely pale skin.)
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Cover image: Ani by Wolnir


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