Uni Character in Ultimus | World Anvil
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Written by Aeterno

Uni, goddess of the stars and creator of the heavenly bodies, is the oldest and most powerful of all deities. She was known for her kindness and motherly attitude towards those who inhabited the worlds she created. Because of this another deity, who's named isn't known to the inhabitants of Ultimus, grew jealous and annoyed with her constant positivity. In a moment of Uni's weakness, after having witnessed the first of many wars to come to the world, the jealous deity attacked her. The exact interaction was recorded by witnesses but, unfortunately, has been lost in time and space to the harshness of weather.   Her most prominent features include the burning gold eyes of hers which hold no pupils in contrast to her neutral gray skin. Every once in a while she may be short and plump, acting childish and selfish in these times. In times of anger and action she grows more athletic in build, being taller than jus average size with the mesmerizing galaxy hair moving like flames or violent waves in a storm.   In the rare occasion that she should face off with another deity or mystical being, she would grow to be several stories high, effectively changing not only her stature but also her clothing and gear. Instead of the normal purple cloak hanging like some kind of toga over a black shear dress with her hair flowing around it transforms to a pink asymmetrical button top, tied by a light gray scarf, with a matching pink skirt. She also hides her hair beneath the hood of her purple cloak, which is now set up normally; there is a dagger capable of separating the light from the dark, a cosmic longbow with a quiver full of comets and shooting stars.

Divine Domains

Galaxies, the Universe, Creation

Holy Books & Codes

Opertus Siderea

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Diamond shapes, pillars,


Starlight Ceremony,
Divine Classification
Golden, White
Loose long black

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