Sabinus Character in Ultimus | World Anvil
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Dr. Sabinus Gladius


Sabinus is perhaps the most mysterious of the sisters; though she was seen out in public more frequently than them, she was still hard to gain enough interest to hold a conversation with. Her influence in the spread of information and literacy earned her praise by major names for how she brought awareness to the patterns in history, the exchange in cultural beliefs and the much more subtle- but longer lasting effects of major decisions brought on by oneself and one's surrounding environment.   From a young age she was obsessed with current events around the world, this obsession expanded when she would read history and biography books from the family libraries. Soon she'd beg her family to buy more books whenever they went out, and would even go so far as to ask strangers for interesting and unique stories. She spent her days researching and time-sensitive events, locations, cultures and how they were connected.  

Brevis Historia Historia

Brevis Historia Historia was and still is a series of books Sabinus had written, there were two versions of every volume. One version had simple and easy to understand explanations of major historical events, cultures, migration patterns, important people among many other things that was devised for common people who found it difficult to understand many of the academic accounts they were left with. The other version was a much more complex and detailed thesis on each account, it was filled with personal notes with her thoughts and suggestions and had been made for fellow academics and more advanced curious minds. These books were translated and distributed across the world, and are still used today for academic research and references.
5610 NW 5698 NW 88 years old
195 lbs

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Character Portrait image: Sabinus Portrait Sketch by Aeterno


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