Elijah Unruh Character in Ultimus | World Anvil
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Elijah Unruh

Head Sargent Elijah Unruh (a.k.a. Eli)

"Eli is not the kind of guy you take out for a nice lunch together and expect anything *but* discussions of current news stories and political climates. This is heavily involved in his job, after all, and sometimes he just needs to share all this new information with someone else.   One of the higher-ranking members of Edel International Investigations, he is well-known enough for his achievements and power. This perception of him only grew when it was suddenly announced that Eli would be officially made the new and sole owner of E.I.I. The reasons for this, while not known to the public, include the criminalization of the former leaders in ways of trafficking, explicit drug use, and a number of illegal fronts both of scam and laundering kinds.   Self-described as a 'chill, but strict' man, Eli had a surprisingly normal upbringing; the full family and nurturing social connections of his childhood home along the The Ouv Isles gave him the exposure to diverse and conflicting views and lifestyles that helped him in understanding and carefully access any cases or situations he found himself in.   Booksmart but not streetsmart, Eli later makes a civil partnership with *not only* the Birds of Prey but also Songbird's complex network to further help each other take down dangerous activities and help those in need. This move is considered especially unusual as he publicly shamed vigilante groups or any kind, and even was the cause for Songbird's seven years of level zero solitary confinement. The public can not see the subtle changes Eli made throughout those seven years, the constant battle with views he thought was purely true, his morals and self-assurance constantly badgered and questioned as he uncovered layer upon layer of crimes and disgust from those he trusted. In the end, Songbird though the move made perfect sense, despite it taking some time to convince her underlings and members, though she is constantly seen in an exasperated state when with Eli for any reason.   Eli is constantly fighting now, both with the world and himself, to change and challenge comfort and normality. This newfound crisis and insecurity are ones that hurt, it claws what little he finds comfort in and erodes everything he was taught back on the Isles. Change is not always pretty and quick, nor is it good or right; this is a battle that will go on for years to come, this will make you cry handshake and realize that maybe you've been the villain all along.   Eli is not the kind of guy you take out for a nice lunch together and expect anything *but* apologies for his actions, his transgressions, his constant discussions on how should he make it up to those he unknowingly hurt or let down. This is heavily involved in his job, after all, and sometimes he just needs to ask for guidance from someone else."   -A Letter to My Forgetful Self, Chapter: Elijah Unruh

Mental characteristics


Eli is the Head Sargent or an international enforcement agency, often contracted by important figures for protection or investigation. They are a combination of a private eye, special ops, and vigilantes; as it is debated constantly whether what they do is legal or not.   Despite being still young, he has a decent list of accomplishments in his career, including the captures of many higher class criminals and solving multiple cases alone. Those who work under him repeatedly describe his obsession and fixation on solving singular cases at a time, if something else comes up he sends out an officer to record as much evidence or information as possible while he stays back. This trait is heralded as the sole reason he can get through cases as quickly as he does.   Through the years he rapidly climbed the ranks, making sure to bring his team up with him rather than settle with new people, "I trust these people, they put their faith in me as their boss and we understand how each other works. I would never betray them nor let them go for a whole new batch of people I've never met before."

Morality & Philosophy

At the beginning of his career, Eli was strict with the law and believed it to be absolute truth that it should be followed even if it were wrong or unfair.   Years, after he aided in the arrest of Songbird, the vigilante who took down powerful political and economical leaders, this view was challenged.   Investigating the matter in his rare free-time, he discovered the charges against her were fallacy; the crimes he knew she committed couldn't be proven and so she wasn't charged. He accepted this as it was how the law worked, but what landed in her in confinement was something he knew she couldn't commit. There was no evidence, no witnesses, no valid testimonies, records of the court were heavily damaged or missing.   When he brought this up to his leaders they dismissed him, nothing would be done about an injustice he created, a horrible act against the law for which no one seemed to care. Even in an attempt to turn himself in, the corp laughed in his face and pushed him out.   This series of events opened his eyes to the very thing the vigilante talked about, "Unless you actively helped destroy corruption in a system that you gain from, you are just as bad as the worst of them."
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Ouv Isles
Current Residence
Eno, Auferetu, Tod
dark hazel
Short, dirty blonde, wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
medium tan, cool undertone
Aligned Organization

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