Bells' Diary Prose in Tychell | World Anvil
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Bells' Diary

I’m not sure if Tho’yn meant to leave this notebook in my new bag or not but I guess I should use it for something. I remember one of the cooks, Maz, saying that he kept a journal. Wrote down what he did each day, not sure why but he enjoyed it, so I guess I’ll give it a go.

Day 1

We’re going on a trip to Jassaka. The others say that we can’t stay here. That it’s too dangerous after we broke out of the prison and Tho said I should leave too. Skye has a friend that helped us out of the city, she seemed nice. That’s why I don't think she had anything to do with the mean people that put bags over our heads and stole our stuff. It was really scary. The others were so brave though, I’m really glad that they’re with me. We met Ikki’s dad too, Aioros, he was nice but I think he had a bit of an argument with Ikki, so I’m not sure if I like him anymore. I’m a little worried about when we set off into the desert properly though, they didn’t know I was coming so I don’t know if they have a tent for me. I hope I don’t have to sleep outside.

Day 2

We’re in the desert properly now, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much sand. Walking got boring pretty quickly so I sat on the wagon most of the time and had a bit of a nap. It was nice, pretty comfy all things considered. I guess I could sleep on here if there isn’t any space in the tents. A couple of thick blankets and I’d be fine, it’s probably not that cold out here on a night.   We had a break when the sun got really high, the snacks were nicer than what we had in the prison but nothing like what Maz used to make. It was nice though. I felt more like I belonged with them than I ever did with the workers back at Tho’s. They always used to look at me like they pitied me, I’m not sure why, but these guys didn’t really do that.

Day 3

Ockra and Sorrow let me sleep with them! I think I fell asleep on Sorrow but when I woke up I was curled at the bottom of the tent so I’m not too sure. Sorrow’s nice, I don’t think she’s used to being hugged but I’m going to work on that with her.   There was a sandstorm too today. I’ve decided I don’t like sand. It gets everywhere and sticks in my fur, I don’t know how Kosos can stand it.

Day 4

Today was hard. Everyone decided that because we didn’t move far yesterday that we should move further today, which meant we had to go faster. I feel sorry for Fernando the most, she doesn’t get to swap out with people. Everyone but Kosos got pretty tired so I said I’d walk. I don’t want to do that again. Sand is so hard to walk over, you sink into it and it’s really hard to walk in. I don’t know how Kosos managed, I guess it’s because he’s used to it? But anyway, it's pretty impressive. I knew he was strong before, the slap he gave me sort of confirmed that.

Day 5

We met a travelling tribe today. I didn’t really get to talk with them, I can’t speak Nexlan, but they seemed friendly and everyone else talked with them. I danced a bit in the afternoon, it was nice being able to do something I’m good at again.

Day 6

Toc wanted to take a look at the bag that Tho gave me, I don’t really mind what it does but apparently it’s huge inside, which is pretty awesome. I played with Watch for a bit while he was doing some magic thing on the bag to find out more about it. Watch is really fast but fun to chase. I’m pretty sure that Watch went over to Ikki on purpose, he’s been pretty sad since we left his dad. I don’t like it when my friends are sad. I talked with him for a bit, apparently his dad rejected him. I knew I didn’t like that guy anymore. I think I made it better, Toc seems to think so too and he’s really smart. He knows loads about magic and he’s trying to learn Elvish, I hope I can help him. He doesn’t really want to talk about his past though, I hope nothing bad happened to him and that one day he’ll tell me.

Day 7

Today was sort of weird. First there was the giant bird thing that broke some of the camp. It looked cool but pretty scary. Everyone else was really brave though and we hid from it really well.     Well I’ve been with my new friends for a week now (outside of the prison that is) so I’d like to think I know them pretty well. I’m a pretty good judge of character.   I don’t think Kosos really knows how to be around people properly but he tries. That’s the most important part really. I was pretty upset when he hit me after but I guess that was the only thing he could think to do. He tried to help me and I’m happy that he cared enough to try.   Skye was sort of weird when we were in the prison but he’s relaxed more out here. He’s seems to know quite a bit about the world and has loads of stories to tell. I think I’ll be able to learn a lot about the real world from him.   Sorrow’s a bit like Kosos I think, she’s not really used to people but she’s nice to me anyway, even if she’s not entirely sure how to react. I think she tries to appear tougher than she really is. She just needs someone she trusts, I hope we can all be that for her, I think she needs it.   Since Ikki’s dad rejected him I think he needs us all. Even if he pretends he doesn’t. I meant what I said when I talked with him, family doesn’t have to be blood related, just people you care about and who care about you. I care about him and I think the others do too, I hope he’ll let me hug him soon, hugs make everything better.   I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone quite like Toc before. I didn’t even know golems could be as interesting as Toc. He knows so much about so many things. He’s probably learnt more in a week than I’ve learnt in my whole life and I hope he’ll teach me some of it. His bat, Watch, is pretty awesome too.   Ockra is so strong. We haven’t really talked much but she’s always been there to help.     We all need each other in some way, I don’t think the others really realise it yet. I knew from the first step without Tho that I’d need help. I guess everyone else have just had to rely on themselves for so long that they don’t really remember what it’s like for people to help them. I’ll help them remember, we’ll be working as a team before we get to Jassaka I swear. They just need some gentle poking into line.


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