Dawn Serene Character in Tyanray | World Anvil
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Dawn Serene

Princess of the Quesi Kingdom Dawn Serene

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dawn Serene grew up in the Quesi Kingdom, where smarts are favored over strength. This being said, Dawn has pledged herself to the art of learning and teaching. She has two step-siblings, one younger sister and one older brother. She is currently 17, and going on 18. The kingdom is currently undergoing war between 5 other kingdoms on the continent of Tyanray. This being said, the kingdom is able to outsmart the other kingdoms even with no real army (their smarts are the only things keeping them in the "race"). But brain power isn't the only thing Quesi favors, they also favor magic and sorcery, which is why Dawn is secretly devoting herself to learning the chemistry of potions with the royal sorceress. She doesn't want her family to know because the secret might accidentally get out and if she is in a not so good situation, Dawn could always use her potion skills to help herself, but if the enemy knows, they might be able to stop her. Dawn believes it's a good plan. Dawn was able to get a hold of a Fleasen crafted necklace (the Fleasens are the best on Tyanray of making and crafting objects in a forge such a sword, or in this case, a necklace), which she plans to use to try to unlock the Fleasen's secret of how they make their weapons so good. Dawn got the necklace by persuading the princess of the Fleaser kingdom to give it to her in exchange for a magical mask which was conjured by the royal sorceress. Quesi is very traditionally based and more of an Arabian, Egyptian, and Indian kingdom. Dawn does not know who her mother is, her father, the king, has never told her anything.

Gender Identity



A lesbian but don't tell her Father.


Hobbies & Pets

Dawn has two black Egyptian cats that she adores and gives a lot of her time to. One is named Isis, and the other Bast.

As a princess of the Quesi kingdom, Dawn throws herself into her studies. Dawn is what you would call an advanced IQ. She also is secretly studying potions with the royal sorceress.

Current Location
Castle Terra
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Current Residence
Castle Terra
Dark Chocolate Brown
Indian Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
111 pounds
Quotes & Catchphrases
If they can do it, so can I.
Known Languages
Arabian, Indian, and Chinese.

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