Japanese Ethnicity in Twilight | World Anvil
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The Japanese(Nihonjin) is a group of people who originated from an East Asian Island that they call, Nihon, or Japan.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aqua Yuii Kayako Akane Kari Nami Sastuki Shion Sakura Sakuya  Mikoto

Masculine names

Daichi Satoshi Somena Ruki

Family names

Yamamoto Yamazaki


Major language groups and dialects


Shared customary codes and values

Hard work

Common Etiquette rules

Bathing is an important part of the daily routine in Japan, where bathtubs are for relaxing, not cleaning the body. Therefore, the body must be cleaned and scrubbed before entering the bathtub or ofuro. Basic bows are performed by bending from the waist with the back and neck straight, hands at the sides (males) or clasped at the lap (females), and eyes looking down. The body should be composed but not rigid. Generally, the longer and deeper the bow, the stronger the emotion and respect expressed. Meals in Japan traditionally begin with the word itadakimasu

Common Dress code

The kimono is the national garment of Japan, The word "kimono" translates literally as "thing to wear on the shoulders" Kimonos come in a variety of colors, styles, and sizes. Men mainly wear darker or more muted colors, while women tend to wear brighter colors and pastels, and, especially for younger women, often with complicated abstract or floral patterns. In previous decades, married women wore short-sleeved kimonos, whereas unmarried women wore long-sleeved kimono to both formal and informal occasions. tabi, ankle-length split-toed socks, are commonly worn with the kimono and are designed to be worn with traditional shoes such as geta and zōri. Getas are thonged sandals mounted on wooden blocks extending from the base of the shoe to the floor, and are worn by men and women with kimono or yukata; zōri are flat base or sloping sandals made of several different materials and are considered to be more formal than geta.

Art & Architecture

Japanese architecture is a combination of local and other influences. It has traditionally been typified by wooden or mud plaster structures, elevated slightly off the ground, with tiled or thatched roofs. The Shrines of Ise have been celebrated as the prototype of Japanese architecture. Traditional housing and many temple buildings see the use of tatami mats and sliding doors that break down the distinction between rooms and indoor and outdoor space.    The history of Japanese painting exhibits synthesis and competition between native Japanese esthetics and imported ideas. Traditional Japanese arts include crafts such as ceramics, textiles, lacquerware, swords, and dolls; performances of bunraku, kabuki, noh, dance, and rakugo; and other practices, the tea ceremony, ikebana, martial arts, calligraphy, origami, onsen, Geis.


Beauty Ideals

Light skin, dark hair. Slim petite bodies(Female)

Gender Ideals

Men were expected to be loyal to their lords; women were to be loyal to their family and husband. Interestingly, women could own and inherit property and family position in feudal Japan. They were expected to control the household budget and household decisions to allow men to serve their lord.

Relationship Ideals

The Japanese feel a heightened sense of belonging and loyalty to their family as interdependence is emphasised in the collectivist society. Individuals are expected to serve their family's interest before their own and show preferential treatment to fellow family members.
Encompassed species

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