Greek Ethnicity in Twilight | World Anvil
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Greeks are race of people from the Mediterranean, like Italians, or romans. They are usually very fierce and warlike or very wise and philosophical depending on where they're from. One region focuses more on knowledge while the other focuses more on soldiers and war.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Belladonna, Alemene, Melantho, Chryseis, Thalassa, Harmonia, Isadora, Polyxena, Heliodora, Belphoebe,

Masculine names

Aristides, Zacharias, Akadios, Petros, Harrick, Hemolycus, Demetrios, Agapius, Eramus, Philomenos, Hermolycus,

Family names

Argyris, Nephus

Other names



Major language groups and dialects


Common Dress code

Chiton, Toga, Himation, Peplos, Tunic. Clothes were secured with ornamental clasps or pins at the shoulder and belt, sash, or girdle at the waist.

Art & Architecture

With its rectangular stone platform, front and back porches (the pronaos and the opisthodomos) and rows of columns, the Parthenon was a commanding example of Greek temple architecture. the interior room (the naos or the cella) was relatively small, housing just a statue of the deity the temple was built to honor.  People offered small terra cotta figurines as gifts to gods and goddesses, buried them with the dead and gave them to their children as toys. They also used clay pots, jars and vases for almost everything. These were painted with religious or mythological scenes

Funerary and Memorial customs

Greeks put a coin under the tongue of dead relatives before burying them as in the underworld, you had to pay Rhadamanthus to take you across the the River of Styx into the underworld. If not, they would have to wonder around until they find the other side, which can take forever.

Common Taboos

...what are those?

Common Myths and Legends

Heracles, Achilles, Greek gods & goddesses


Beauty Ideals

  • Females: Long hair, pale skin, rosy cheeks, small boobs
  • Males: Muscular 

Major organizations

Amaron Empire
Encompassed species
Related Organizations

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