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Magical Empire

The Magical Empire is a dimension where witches and wizards reside. It's Sasha's home, and where her 11 siblings live. It's also where the Drealwelts Magic academy is located, but you probably already know that.


Witches, Wizards, Warlocks, Mages, and gold elves can be found in the Magical Empire. Many magic users are mainly of English origin such as British, American, Irish, and Scottish, with some Europeans. there are some Haitians around as some of them practice Magic.


The Magical empire has a council and its members consist of those who are in charge of their families, teachers, and experienced elders


the Magical Empire does have a town located outside their realm, this is where Sasha and others who are involved with non-magic people reside. It is mostly secluded woodland that has a few houses and shops. The portal to the magical realm is located somewhere in the area.

Points of interest

Mainly the shops and Drealwelts Magic Academy


People wish they could tour the Magical Empire, but unfortunately, many witches, wizards, mages, and Elves can be extremely xenophobic towards non-magical people, calling them insults such as unvarnished, and so because of that, the only other species that can visit the Magical Empire are Elves who often travel there to learn the ways of magic. Other supernatural species are those who have superpowers that are usually frowned upon, even though they have special abilities, it's not magic so it doesn't count. However, sometimes other supernatural species are allowed being their powers can be like magic. It can depend though. If someone who isn't magical sneaks into the Magical Empire, they wouldn't last a day. If they manage to keep themselves well-hidden and not feel the urge to jump out the portal, then bravo to them because they're either stupid, brave, or something else.
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