Tripoints Organization in Triple A Batteries | World Anvil
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“You don’t stand under those cameras too long.”


Consists of Central core and their court. This court always holds the Admins and their respective cabinets, and any advisors the monarch might choose. There are always two Monarchs, one for the AEGIS mainframe and one for the GLaDOS mainframe. If there is ever an absence, the mainframes will search for the nearest suitable core to fill the position.

Public Agenda

The public agenda changes from monarch to monarch, but it generally doesn’t stray from a central theme of testing for GLaDOS and security and maintenance for AEGIS.


Following the fall of PC-003-JSW-01, Otherwise known by the name Wheatley, and the subsequent reinstatement of central core PC-001-GLaDOS, GLaDOS quickly declared the Tripoints a dead organization, and dissolved her cabinet of advisors. However much the Tripoints may remain gone, the Admins of the facility still very much hold power.

Approx. 2019 - Approx. 2044

Court, Royal
Alternative Names
Central cores
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Manufactured Items

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