Prologue Prose in Treiuh | World Anvil
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Never had Jolnik hated the smell of ash more than that night; Never again would he ever smile at its scent. He had gotten word from a lineslip that there were invaders of all things along the Eastern seawall of Trei’s Child and immediately lineslipped onto the metal rail along his post. Whatever is happening right now, the old soldier thought in impromptu prayer, may Hulfrum Breathe the Heat of peace onto us all. He did not spend much energy then, he thought it was probably some timber raiders or overzealous bandits, and so kept his Breathing steady, saving his energy for later. How right and yet wrong he was to do so.
As the sun began its descent and the sky filled with black, he gasped, for over the smell of salty seawater, he caught the scent of burning flesh. Not once before in the man’s life had a wick of prayer been snuffed out so quickly; The thatch rooftops of the islanders were dancing alight with disgusting flames by the time he arrived; The island had neither Lavalblessed or even a single fire hearthen. They didn’t even have a Metalmind stationed there, only a couple measle Glassgilders, it was because of such that Jolnik had gone in the first place; However, he had never even expected such a sight or sound. The sound. Screams of mean and women, so shrill they were made indistinguishable. The soldier heard a child’s cry and sprinted with a furious fervor, nearly slipping on bloody foot stones in his haste.
Jolnik slid into the village square to a horror scene; glowing orange in the firelight were ghastly monsters that looked human, but could not be; they were lanky——bones taut against thin skin——pale skinned, and had white hair. “Wind spirits,” the soldier gasped, clutching his ore necklace and taking a step back. One of the monsters held a crying mother down, her cause laying in front of her; small, frail… broken. Jolnik felt the righteous rage of Hulfrum’s heat swell inside his chest. He wanted to kill them. To burn them. But Jolnik was just a Metalmind. Clouds began to gather over the island and crackled with thunder. He smiled maniacally.
For they had silver weapons.


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