Mana Infusion Spell in Transmarinae | World Anvil
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Mana Infusion

"These damned Infusers are going to destroy the proper arcane way of life! "- Protester in a anti-infusion rally   -Class S spell.


Changes the physiology of the target, infusing mana-made constructs of limbs, or even limbs and organs of other creatures.

Side/Secondary Effects

There is a limit into how much you can change your body, and that depends of how well connected you are to the mana pool, and how many calories you can ingest in a daily basis. The only organ that cannot be exchanged by this spell is the brain.


During the war of Helios vs Biblios, Helian troops  were losing due to the more faster and resilient type of skyships Biblios had, entitled the MK2. So in a last ditch effort, Mundus Bluntpaw, a famous arcane that had important studies on how mana is affected by fauna and flora around the plane, created this spell to improve their soldiers by fusing them with different powerful animals, like dragons for example. These soldiers actually turned the tide of the war, and held off for quite a while the invading Bilbian forces, and created many different divisions of their legions, most infamously the dogs of war. After the war ended, the use of this spell became more cosmetic than militaristic, although it is still used for some military purposes. Now, the entitled "Infusers " show much more diverse looks into the common arcanes and non-arcanes, such as different colors of skin, more limbs, even completely modified bodies to be translucent constructs of mana, with just a brain to command. There is still a lot of protest against this such actions, by people that believe this is a travesty of mortal nature, although these situations become more and more punctual as the years go by.

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